New Life

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Serena was using her powers to regrow a broken tree that fell on its own. Fang watched her until a loud thunderstorm broke the silent night as Serena stopped as Zeus voice echoed. She bend the tree to lift her up to see the view of the sky and saw three figures flying away from the mountain. "Follow those three who I go to Zeus." Said Serena once Dementor called her. "Persephone! Where are you?!" Said Dementor looking through the forest. "I'm here. What's going on mother?" Said Serena climbing down the tree. "Thank the gods. We have to find your brother. He's been taken." Said Dementor. "I'll take the sky while you search him in the city." Said Serena. Dementor smiled pecking her head and watch Serena grab the end of her dress and spread them out like bird letting the wind take her to the sky. Serena saw Fang pointing his nose over at the mountains as a very faint baby cry caught her ears then flew down trying not to be seen by whoever were the kidnappers. She watched as two snakes try to kill the mortal couple holding Hercules but he saw them and started beating them up before throwing them far away with his strength. Serena took a closer look at her brother and realized that he's no longer a god making her heart shatter. Baby Hercules giggled looking at the couple picking him up after shaking off their shock look and looked over at Serena. "What is it Hercules?" Said the woman. "Probably another one of those monsters. We know your there show yourself." Said the man holding his torch. Serena signed while turning to her mortal disguise and stepped out of the shadow.

"I'm sorry. I was just looking for my baby brother. Looks like you found him." Said Serena looking at Hercules. "How did he get here? And more importantly how did he get that kind of strength?" Said the man. "He was taken and he's not just any baby." Said Serena igniting her green flame from her palm. "He's a god like me. Well not anymore since he can't go back Olympus." Said Serena letting the flame die. "What's your name?" Said the woman. "Persephone but when I'm a mortal Serena. I'm glad you two found him. But I would have to let my father Zeus know what happened to him. I hope you have a safe night with my brother." Said Serena stroking Hercules hair before pecking him on the head. the couple watched as Serena turned back and flew into the sky towards the clouds where the other gods were out looking for Hercules. She landed and approached to Hera who was sadly looking at the empty crib. "You want to hear the good news or the bad news?" Said Serna as Hera looked at her. "Hercules is safe but he's mortal." Said Serena as Hera got up to see it herself. She saw him with the couple walking down the mountain towards their farm making her burst into tears. "Not my son!" She cried as Zeus came in. "What's going on? Did y-" Zeus stopped seeing Hercules as a mortal and comforted Hera making Serena's time to leave. She flew back to her home and saw Fang again but noticed something in his mouth. "What have you got there?" Said Serena sitting on her knees. The Forrest fox drop the object on the ground as Serena picked it up seeing nothing on the glass but saw the familiar skull design on the bottle. "Was this what made Hercules mortal?" Said Serena looking at it closer. She then caught a smell to it and sniffed it again then dropped it. "That's one of my toxic plants. But no mortal can touch it unless . . . " Serena got up covering her mouth in shock and phased through her tree try to get some sleep while thinking about if she should tell the gods about how her brother became mortal.

~ Earlier after the Party ~

Hades arrived to his underworld as Pain and Panic had just told him that the Gates were at his throne room waiting. "What the fates are her and didn't tell me!" Headed yelled turning fiery red. "We are worms! Worthless worms!" Said the minions crying after they transformed into worms. "Memo me. Name you after my meeting." Said Hades. He went upstairs seeing the three women patiently waiting. "Lades sorry I'm late. Had a party going on and" "We know. We're the fates." Said the skinny tall one. "We know everything." Said the skinny blonde one after her eyeball was ripped out. "Past." The tall skinny one said then passed the eyeball to the skinny blonde. "Present." She says then had he eyeball ripped out again by the chubby one. "And Future. Indoor plumbing is going to be big." She says nudging Panic. "Anyways Zeus. Mr high and might. Mr hey you get off of my cloud now has a" "Bouncing baby brat." Said the three women. "We know." Said Present begin her eyeball back. "I know. I get the picture so I this kid going to get in the way of taking over Olympus." Said Hades making a tiny chess piece of Hercules. The fates told him that they are not allowed to reveal the future until Hades seduced Present into making them. "In eighteen years precisely. The planets will line. Then you shall unleash the Titans and Zeus will finally fall. Then Hades will rule all with your Queen Serena." Said Present. Hades cheered for his future success but paused at his actions. "My who now?" Said Hades calming his flames. "Serena. She's known as Persephone. Her life came to an end as a mortal and was reborn as the goddess that you like so much." Said Past. "She used to be a mortal. How come the gods didn't recognize her?" Said Hades. "That's because Serena and her friend were from another dimension where we don't exist except in what her mortals call cartoons. We never knew how it happened but they did ended up here but are in separate places." Said Present. "Really? Is there anything else I can know more about my future wife?" Said Hades. "She died at nineteen. Her mother past in child birth and her father planned to kill her on 'that day' when she was supposed to come home before he ended his own. That's it." Said Past. "She also has an enchanting voice like her friend to contact each other only and knows everything about us including your plan." Said Future before all three disappeared through their eyeball.

After Hades sent Pain and Panic to kill Hercules with the potion that he made with the Fates using the plants Serena gave him. He used his seeing cloud to watch Serena sitting on he bed running her hands through her long brown hair in guilt and looked at her red and white ombre roses in sadness. She narrowed her eyes and made it into a sunset ombre color before letting out a few notes from her voice. "Ah. Ah. Ah. Oh. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ahhh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh." She sang seeing it glow for a second for it died down. "I really need to know your ok. And where you are." Said Serena as Fang jumped onto her bed before she went to her closet to change. Hades waved off his hands and sat on his throne to think about how he will win Serena into being on his side. But then a loud crash broke his thoughts and went to see the source only to find a three headed dog destroying the ancient vases containing the lost souls. "I really need those idiots to train this guard dog. Cerberus put that down! Bad dog!" Said Hades as the puppy ran further down into the underworld. He groaned following the animal with chains that he puffed up out of no where. Back on the ledge watching the scene the Fates looked at each other. "Should we pay Serena a little visit sisters?" Said Present. "No. We don't have to be involved with her. Especially on the powers she possesses." Said Past before sniffing the spider up her nose. "But I see she was making contact with friend and got a response." Said Future. "I don't want to hear it. Come on we got lives to end." Said Past.

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