Old Friend

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"Persephone? Where are you my little flower? " said Demeter walking through the forest. She looked around the falls to see the nymphs and the animals. But no sign of her until a very faint sound of music caught her attention. Following the sound carefully came along a humming leading up to one of the trees. Looking up to see a figure with a flowing white dress playing a small instrument and smiled recognizing the flower on her brown hair. "Persephone." Said Demeter making the woman look down. "Oh hey mom." Said Serena using the branch to lower her down to the ground. "Is everything alright? You never hid unless something is wrong." Said Demeter looking at her. "Just a lot is going through my head. I only spoken to Megara but im guessing she's on a date." Said Serena. "Well im here now tell me whats going on." Said Demeter walking down the forest with Serena following. "Everything from being a goddess, watching Hercules, and my engagement." Said Serena putting her kalimba in her secret pocket. "What do you mean? Are you not happy?" Said Demeter. "I am but i have made some mistakes that you not might like. By creating the plants that causes mortals to be ill enough to lead to death." Said Serena rubbing her arm looking around. "I know your powers lead to that but you have to find a cure for them. Everyone even gods make mistakes and fix them. As long it didn't fall into the wrong hands." Said Demeter holding her hands as they reached a dried meadow. "But what would Hercules think or Zeus if i gave those plants to the wrong hands? Hercules doesnt even know the real truth about me." Said Serena pulling away from her reach walking down the meadow. "He'll know soon enough but im sure what decision you made they will still love you." Said Demeter.

"Will they? I've working on my powers since the day i was brought here. I know Zeus saved me but will i ever see my family or my friends again?" Said Serena feeling Demeter hands on her shoulder. "You can still see them. Just need to find a way on your own. Now what about the engagement? You want to break the news to Apollo that you need more time." Said Demeter. "Well . . . the news i have to tell you is that " "Persephone! There are you are. Am i interrupting? Hi Demeter." Said Hercules flying down with Pegasus. "Hello Hercules. Persephone and i were having a girl talk. What is it you need her for?" Said Demeter. "I thought me and her could have a brother sister moment on our way to see my father." Said Hercules as Pegasus nuzzles his face against Serena's. "Well she was telling me about her engagement but im sure this will make something of it. Go on. We'll finish our talk later tonight Persephone." Said Demeter pushing her towards the boys. "Thanks come on." Said Hercules helping Serena get on Pegasus. Hercules got on in front of Serena as Pegasus took them to the temple. "So your engaged huh?" Said Hercules as Serena looked at him. "Kinda. I mean it was unexpected since you found it first." Said Serena. "You mean the box was the engagement ring that was from Apollo. Im happy for you two." Said Hercules. "Dont be this isnt that special. Everyone get engaged when it comes to finding your other half." Said Serena looking at the ring. "Speaking of. Do you think Meg likes me?" Said Hercules glancing at her. "Hey she may be my best friend but give a girl some time to tell you how she feels." Said Serena seeing the temple below them. Pegasus landed as Hercules got down to help Serena down seeing the torches werent lit. Serena ignites her hands and blasted her green flames to light every torch by bouncing them one by one. "Wish me luck to join you and our parents on Olympus." Said Hercules going inside with Pegasus.

Serena watched them go in as she walked down the step towards the grass seeing it was almost plain. She took out her kalimba lighting it into het green flames before placing it on the ground as the vines wrapped it around playing a melody reminding her of home. She engulfed her body spreading her arms out and started to hovered over the hill and land. The flames flowed with her movements creating new flower trees and planets. Citis and Fang appeared through the old trees watching her and looked up to see the stars shine beautifully. He walked over to her not bothered by the flames as Fang found the opportunity to make a ring of lavender flowers and brushed his tail to separate the pollin for Serena to guide somewhere else. Citis looked around for anything and noticed a flower following Serena. Tilting his head as Serena landed next to him and moved her hands towards the pollin using the wind to blow them over to the dried meadow. 'Serena, is it fine to show you where Desiree is right now?" Said Citis glancing at fhe flower again facing gem. "Like taking ne to her? Why not Hercules is practically bragging about his fights right now. He wont need me when Zeus tells him that hes not a hero yet." Said Serena getting on Citis while growing him into a strong buck. She faced Fang pouncing on thw flower first and ripped it up into pieces. "Thanks Fang. I'll be back. Im finally going to see Desiree." Said Serena as Fang ran off somewhere. Citis took to few steps back before running forward on full speed and jumped into a tree emerging the two to a different place. Serena held onto Citis gently around his neck and found them inside a room full of plants and small water fall. "You sure this is it?" Said Serena. "Yes. But be warned that there are guards around here." Said Citis looking at the small opening leading outside.

Serena waved her hands to disguise herself and followed Citis through the opening finding a large garden with a fountain in the middle. "This place looks familiar." Said Serena looking around and heard someone coming. She got on Citis and ran towards the tree to jump over the walls before they were caught. "Caleb? What is it?" Said a man. "I couldve sworn i heard something." Said Caleb. "It must be the princess' cat, Star. Come on lets get back to work." Said the man as the footsteps faded. Serena breathed in relief as Citis walked through the city looking and hearing anything. He stopped around the corner of a closed market tent near the gates seeing a couple. A man dressed in white puffy pants wearing a dark vest walking with a woman dressed in a two piece navy blue outfit with a veil on her dark hair. Serena got off of Citis to get a closer look at the woman's face by peeking her head little. The woman had a natural makeup on and paused before looking behind her. Serena pulled back as Citis glanced around their surroundings if anyone saw them. "Zaira, is something wrong?" Said the man concerned. "I thought someone was watching us." Said Zaira. Serena turned to Citis looking at her gesturing them to back. She got on and went through the same way they came from. Serena got a good look to see the palace that they were going to. 'This is Agrabah. Then Desiree must be the princess here.' She thought as she used the tree to bring them over the walls. Citis crawled through the opening as Serena was behind checking for the guards. "Come on lets go home." Said Serena making the rose bush grew enough for them to jump through. Citis went in the bush first and Serena followed through closing the portal.

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