VERY Clingy in Little Space

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Anastasia POV:

      I woke up and looked around me trying to remember where I was. Then everything from last night came rushing back to me. I sure hope that Daddy doesn't question me anymore today, I thought to myself. I looked down at myself and realized that I had peed in my diaper. I started to cry; I was trying to figure out the reason that I was crying for. I wouldn't usually cry over something so mutual as this, but it just felt right. As my cries became louder, I heard foot steeps.

     "What's the matter baby." Daddy said in a husky voice.

     "Daddy!" I cried more as I put my hands up indicating that I wanted him to pick me up. Daddy picked me up as he tried to figure out why I was crying.

     "Ahh, looks like someone wants her diaper changed." He said as he put me on the changing table. He changed my diaper then got my outfit out. 

^Her outfit

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^Her outfit

     We walked out of my room and to the kitchen. He tried to put me in my highchair, but I hugged him tighter. He sighs,

     "Tasia come on let go." He says. I nod my head no and cling on even tighter, for some reason today I just feel very clingy. He grumbles and just takes me with him as he makes up my bottle for breakfast. He sits down on the couch and pulls me into his lap. He sticks the bottle in my mouth, and I gladly take it. I can feel myself slip completely into little space, which I hadn't done before. Daddy sets me down on the floor with my blocks and I start to cry.  

Ezekiel POV:

     I woke up this morning very tired from the call with Amell last night. Then I remembered that I need to call my father. I grab my phone and dial his number. We have a quick conversation of me telling him what's going on, and him telling me that he'll investigate it and that he really wants to meet my little soon. I'm just about to catch a few more minutes of sleep when I hear cries getting louder and louder. I get up and walk to Anastasia's room. As I walk in my heart breaks to see hear crying like that.

     "What's the matter baby." I ask in a tired voice.

     "Daddy." She yells after putting her hands in my direction. I pick her up as I try to find out what the problem is, my hand runs over her butt and I find that she wet herself. I realize that's probably the source of her crying.

     "Ahh, looks like someone wants her diaper changed." I say as I put her on the changing table her tears slowly dry up. I take her old diaper off grab a new one and put rash cream and baby powder on her butt and creases. I finally tape the new diaper on her and went to closet to pick out her outfit. I chose a a cute blue sweater with a cloud pattern on it and some lose fitting black pants that were easy to run around in. I grab a blue teddy bear bag and put a pacifier, a change of diapers and blue teddy in it and set it next to the door for later today.

     I pick her up and walked to the kitchen to make her a bottle for breakfast. As I try to set her in her highchair, I feel her arms tighten around me. I sigh, "Tasia come on let go." I say getting a little frustrated. She shakes her head no and hold on even tighter. I grumble and just carried her with me to go make her bottle. We go to the living room and I sit down pulling her onto my lap. I stick the bottle in her mouth, and she starts to drink it. Once she has finished, I burp her and set her down to go get ready. But before I even leave the room, she starts bawling.

     "Tasia seriously what do you want I'm trying to get ready for the day so we can go to uncle Amell's." I say in a very frustrated tone.

     "I- I want upsies. Bu-uut Daddy no want me no more." She cries harder. She's crying so hard that I'm afraid that she's going to vomit. I look at her and then something just suddenly clicks. I think she's in full little space right now, which would mean she be about one right now. It would also explain why she has been so clingy today. I pick her up and start to calm her down.

     "Honey daddy will always want you; he would never leave you." I say in a soothing tone

     "W ww weally." She responds stuttering. I nod my head yes, as I draw soothing circles on her back.

     "Now honey can you tell me how old you are?" I ask her. She holds her shaky hand up with one finger up. I nod my head. Everything is clicking together now; I head towards my bedroom as she buries her head in my neck.

     "Now sweetheart Daddy is going to set you on his bed while he goes to get dress he will be back very quickly." I explain to her. She looks very hesitant before she slowly nods. I set her down quickly and run to my closet, I throw on some black jeans and a nice shirt as I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth before I hurry back to the bedroom and pick Tasia up again. 

     "Okay sweetheart we are going to Uncle Amell's now I say as we walk out the door."

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