Hidden Talent

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(This takes place after the School Festival)

it was a normal, boring day for class 1-A, sitting in the common area of there dorm. All of them had no idea what to do since they had played all the games they had and didn't want to train due to the heat and they were tired from the performance they did the other night. But as they were thinking they all realized that one of the cinnamon roll twins was missing.

"Hey anyone know where Onii-Chan is?" asked Izumi, always worrying about her big brother

"Good question he's usually out by now, but since he isn't he's probable doing something important so we shouldn't disturb him"  stated ilda, Chopping at the air

"What, come one it's just more boring without him here right Shoka?' Mina said wanting something, ANYTHING to happen

"i don't know Ashido, ilda is right we shouldn't bother him if he's doing something" Shoka said and then being backed up by her brother Shoto

To Minas joy the class started to "argue" whether or not to check on him, then the Bakugo Twins just got up and went to Izuku's dorm catching Izumi and Urarakas attention

"Kat-Chan(Referring to Katsumi) /Bakugo what are you up to?" asked Izumi and Uraraka. with the rest of the class to busy arguing to hear the two

after about a minute they all heard two explosions coming from Izuku's Dorm. the class runs to see what the bakugo twins had done and see that they had blown the door open

"What are you doing you two?" the class said in unison seeing this

"what were just-"  

"were bringing the nerd out to you guys, that's what you guys wanted right" said Katsumi cutting Katsuki off making him annoyed

ilda was about to say something while swing his arms when Yaoyorozu cut him off noticing a piece of paper on Izuku's desk 

"Guys look a note" Momo said

"WHAT, DID ONII-CHAN LEAVE AGAIN !?" Izumi screamed out and started to cry for fear of her Brother leaving her again

"Whoa, Whoa Izumi calm down" Shoka said hugging her followed by Uraraka

 "But Izu did you run away again and if so... Why?" Shoka thought holding back her own tears"

"Well Ponytail, what's it say" said Katsumi with a worried expression on her face

"Hold on as Class Rep i shall read it, with all due respect Yaoyorozu" ilda said taking the note

       Dear Class

i'm sorry i didn't tell you guys (Mainly Izumi, Kat-Chan and Shoka) i'm heading out to try a new training method and i'll be back  by next week, i've already informed Mr.Aizawa about this and he said it was ok so please do worry i'll come back. Also fix my door please since if i know Kat-Chan and Kac-Chan they blow it off so if you guys could fix it i would appreciate it

    From Izuku Midoriya (Once again sorry for not telling you guys)

After ilda finished Izumi let out a big sign of relief that her Brother didn't runaway. With the rest of class being a bit sad that they won't get to see there Cinnamon Roll till Friday but Katsuki (unsurprisingly) let out explosion's and was foaming at the mouth, clearly angry yelling

"That Basted Really Think that he can get ahead of me by sneaking in Extra Training" Katsuki said as he started throwing explosions around Izukus room

"Bro chill out Icch---Deku is just training, it's not a huge deal" Katsumi said not wanting to see Izukus room destroyed

"Yeah Man, there's nothing wrong with Midobro training a bit right" Kirishima said  

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