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Everyone Looked to the Theater Entrance and Saw The Big Three and Eri, But more importantly, Izuku with his classic smile but when they saw him they notice a large cast around his leg.

"OH MY GOD DEKU-KUN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU LEG AND WHY ARE YOU BACK TO EARLY?!!" Uraraka yelled running to him which or course caused all the rest of the students to run to him as well

"Midoriya why didn't you tell us about your past, we could have helped you" Momo said 

"Midobro are you really ok" Asked Kirishima

"How are do you still talk to those 5" Asked Mina

"Whoa, Whoa everyone calm down with the questions please" Izuku said 

"ONII-CHAN/IZU/ICCHAN I'M SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING PLEASE FORGIVE ME" Izumi, Shoka and Katsumi yelled as the 3 of them Hugged him with all there hearts

Naturally this caused everyone to hug him as well

"Uh Guys i can't Breath and someone's stepping on my leg" Izuku said in a bit of pain

"OH GOD SORRY" they all said stepping back except for Izumi, Shoka and Katsumi

"Guys you can let go of me, i've told you three time and time again that's it ok, please stop thinking i hate you three" Izuku said petting Izumi

"But Midori they did such awful things to you how can you forgive them that quickly" Asked Mina

"Well, it's childish to stay mad at someone forever and besides if i was still mad at them they wouldn't be able to learn from there mistakes. Humans learn through the mistakes they make, but only if given the time and chance to and i can tell they've changed" Izuku replied 

"Izuku" Rei said ashamed

"Hey Rei, what's up you seem down" Izuku said as he used a phase quirk to walk through the 3 girls

"Izuku, Honey i'm so sorry i never noticed you were hurt back then, you saw me as your mother and i didn't realize--" She said but was cut off with Izuku hugging her

"Hey don't worry about it you were going through a lot with your family, besides you did all you could so don't worry Rei" Izuku said

"Midoriya, If you don't mind me asking where's that Prosthetic Eye you made or... is it still in your head" Mei asked

"Ok, first Mei no my right eye grew back when if found someone with a healing quirk, and second if you really want the eye Here but give a copy of the data to the Teachers please" Izuku said talking the Eye out of his pocket

After about 4 minutes of everyone talking with Izuku to make sure he was really ok in his head

"Um Deku-kun you never answered, why are you back so soon and why is there a cast on you leg" Uraraka asked again

"Well, after i hurt my leg the first time, i kinda still used the same leg in training and... Broke my shin bone and you all know RG refuses to heal these injury's anymore so that's why i'm back early" Izuku said rubbing the back of his head

The girls were about to yell at him for not taking care of his body but were cut off

"So you guys went through my stuff huh, don't worry i'm not mad actually i was thinking of telling you guys cause My Snowball kept asking me too" Izuku said

"Well, Midoriya would you allow us to keep listening to you songs" Nezu asked

"Sure you all can keep them if you want but, since i heard the last 3 songs you heard and that you all look bummed out let me pick one for all of you" Izuku said going to the stage

BNHA: Deku Can Sing? (DekuxHarem)Where stories live. Discover now