More Then One Voice

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With the 1-A girls still arguing with each other, Nezu looked at the time and spoke

"Ok looks like it nearing the end of the day, come back tomorrow and we can listen to more of Midoryia's Songs" He stated

"Ah what come on can we please listen to them" Asked Sato

"Sorry but no, just come back by 11 and we'll start again" Nezu said

When everyone left the Theater they couldn't believe that the Sun was already about half way down, meaning they had been in there for 3-4 hours. Everyone went back to there respective home, with the Heroes going back out to the city to catch some Villains, except for Eri who decided to stay with Izumi and 1-A.

(Time Skip)

All the people that were at the theater yesterday had come back. But this time Endeavor, Hawk and Rei were there for whatever reason (Endeavor is not as mean and Rei never had a mental Breakdown due to Izuku being there to talk to her in the past, The mark on Shoto and Shokas left eye is just a birth mark)

"Well now that we have all come back does anyone want to chose the next song" Nezu Asked

Before anyone could do anything Eri spoke

"Mama Nejire, Mama Izumi why don't you tell them you sang too" Eri says with a pure smile shocking everyone (Eri calls all the 1-A girls Mama)

The Big Three and Izumi were sweating bullets with everyone looking at them

"Care to Explain" Nezu said with a scary smile

"Uh, Uh ... Ok fine the four of use knew that Midoriya-kun could sing and yeah we all have had made songs with him as well" Nejire Said embarrassed with Tamaki and Miro both nodding with her

"We got exposed by our Snowball, well guess it not that bad" Nejire Thought 

"Me and Onii-Chan used to make songs back when we were younger but he stopped doing it with me so i kind of forgot for a while" Izumi said rubbing the back of her head with a nervous smile

"Can't believe my Daugh-- Wait i mean... Actually neverminded, my Daughter did that to us, but how can i be mad at her" Izumi thought holding Eri with Nejire

"Well Then Ms. Midoriya why don't you pick the Next song, and make it a song you sang and the same goes for you Ms. Hado" Nezu said still with a small twisted smile on his face

Izumi gave Eri to Nejire and went up to the stage and went into the box and immediately grabbed a disc

"What's the Title" Mina asked

"It's called... End Of Time i never got to show this to Onii-Chan" Izumi said as she put the disc in the player

When things are right, then you just know
There is something in your eyes that brings me home
'Cause when there's love, you don't let go
So as long as you're with me you're not alone, you'll never be

I wanna tell you what I feel and really mean it
I wanna shout it from the rooftops to the sky
'Cause if you ever need a friend, you know I'll be it
From tonight until we see the end of time

"Dang you really do love him as more then a brother don't you" Mina teased even though she was Jealous. This caused Izumi to become more of a Blushing mess then she already was

BNHA: Deku Can Sing? (DekuxHarem)Where stories live. Discover now