Everyone Finds Out

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"I've Spend the Most time with him here so the song is clearly about me" Said Uraraka as she glared as the Girls

"Hey lets just take a breath you guys and lower your voices please" asked Sero trying to stop the girls from eventually full on fighting each other

The girls just ignored him and kept arguing until they all heard, "ENOUGH" coming there dorms entrance. They all look to see Aizawa clearly annoyed, Principal Nezu on His shoulder and Allmight (in his Skinny form) standing at there entrance.

"What are you all doing" asked Allmight

"Yeah what going on we could hear you all arguing from outside your dorm" said Aizawa

"Oh well we found a Box full of music discs from Midoriyas room and the girls were arguing over one of them i think, i wasn't really paying attention" Denki Replied looking at the three Pros

"Denki/DUNCE FACE" the class yelled angry at the Pikachu

"Ok so let me get this straight, you all decided to take and listen to something likely very private from you classmates dorm room and then started arguing over it" Asked Aizawa clearly annoyed and angry about this whole thing

"Sorry kids but were going to have to punish you all" said Allmight

"Hold on Toshi i have a better idea in mind" said Nezu with a scary looking smile on his face 

1 hour Later in the UA Theater (Yes UA has a theater don't question it)

The class 1-A students sitting in the middle of the theater couldn't help but question the fact that Class 1-B, the Big 3, a few Pros, the WWPC with Kota and Eri were all here. Once they all got seated Nezu spoke 

"Hello i thank you all for coming this Saturday" He said

"Umm why are here sir" asked Mt. Lady

"Well today Class 1-A were found arguing about these box of music discs and since they were arguing so passionately i thought it would be a nice idea for all of us to listen to them as well" Nezu explained

"So were here to listen to some music, cool but just who the singer" asked Vald King

"Well believe it or not but the singer is none other then the School Cinnamon Roll Izuku Midoriya" Nezu stated

"What HAH like we would actually believe that kid could sing" said Monoma

"Hey Shut up and just listen to Onii-Chans Music before i Force Choke You" Said Izumi (Izumi's quirk is Telekinesis if your wondering... and i hope that's the right term) 

"Calm yourself Ms. Midoriya, Now Allmight bring out the Box please" Nezu asked

They then see Allmight and Hound Dog bring the Box to Nezu

"Ok now anyone want to pick a song first" asked Nezu to the room as he opened the Box showing tons of discs

"I'll go just to prove that, That idiot Izuku can't sing" said Monoma

"Ok come up and pick one" Nezu said a bit irritated with Monoma's comment

As Monoma went to pick a song all of Class 1-A's girls, Nejire and even Eri were looking at him with nothing but hate. when he reached in to pick one he pulled the disc out and raised it up

"What's it called" asked Nezu from the front of the theater

"It's called Natural" Said Monoma as he put the disc into the camera and it started playing (What they see on screen is the video below)

BNHA: Deku Can Sing? (DekuxHarem)Where stories live. Discover now