Rain ~ Yakko x Top Reader

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-Requested by @NanatsuNoTaizai_Fan-

2nd person pov

"Okay now that was a movie! Did you see the way he got that guy!", you cheered holding a now empty tub of popcorn. "Yeah yeah but what about when that bird came out of nowhere and attacked those two criminals.", Yakko replied. "No the end scene was so much better than that.", you said throwing away the empty tub. "Oh yeah?", Yakko asked giving you his infamous smirk, butterflies flew through your stomach as you froze in place admiring him. "What's wrong?", he asked when he notice your lack of motion. "huh nothing.", you smiled and he smiled back at you. "Well I'll be right back i've gotta use the bathroom.", he said walking into the bathroom to the right of you while you waited. "Y/N Y/N!", you heard as Yakko ran out the bathroom, "what?", you questioned getting no response. He quickly ran up to you, grabbed your arm, he had a habit of doing that, and you definitely didn't mind and pulled you out the theater, "THE BUS! IT GETS HERE AT 5:30!", he said pulling you towards the bus stop. "And what time is it?", you questioned, "5:30!", he replied making you speed up. 

You guys made it. Or so you thought, the bus doors began to close and you let go of Yakkos hand to run towards the bus. "Excuse me!! please I have money can we please go in?!!", you yelled out, but it was too late the bus began to drive off. Yakko chased the bus for a few seconds, but figured it was no use, he put his head down and walked back over to you. "How are we supposed to get home now?!", he said angrily and kicking a rock on the floor. "We can walk", you suggested and he sighed, "That will take like an hour! Let's wait for another bus.", he said sitting back down on the small metal bench. You sat beside him and in silence you waited for a bus to arrive. You noticed how the sky began to turn from a light blue to a gloomy dark gray. 'bmph', a bus stopped in front of the bench, people quickly climbing out. "Come on", Yakko said grabbing your arm and pulling you up from the bench. "Hey mister where is this bus going to?", Yakko asked the bus driver. "Downtown.", he replied, "What!?, ugh what is the next bus that goes uptown?", Yakko asked. "There is no more buses going uptown, this is my last round it's about to start pouring do you not see that.", the man said pointing out the front window to the sky. "Sir can't you please just drive us uptown? There isn't even anybody in the bus!", you said pleading with the man. "That's because they are all behind you. Now beat it kids!", you and Yakko turned around to see the giant line that had formed and left the bus. 

"Great.", Yakko said sitting back down on the bench, quickly rain began to drizzle overhead, "Even better.", he sighed. "We should probably start walking before it rains harder, I have an umbrella we can use. Who knows it might be fun!", you smiled putting your hand on Yakko's arm. "You're right.", he said smiling and pulling you up. You took out your umbrella and placed it over the both of you. "umm sorry its -kinda small.", you said nervously as you scooted closer to Yakko and began walking. "Oh I don't mind", he smirked pulling you closer to him and holding onto your waist. "I-", you gulped as you felt his grip, "I wouldn't want you getting wet, plus rain equals cold and body heat is the best cure.", he said slyly. Soon enough the rain began to worsen and wind became a part of the mix, you both held onto the umbrella with one hand on onto each other with your other hands tightly.

Yakkos pov

"Your hands are soft.", I blurted out as my hand laid on top of Y/n's to help grip the umbrella from flying off. Why did I just say that, thats such a weird thing to say why would I-. "Thanks.", Y/n responded quietly. The sound of rain filled my ears, the sky only grew darker and the wind seemed to have no intention of slowing down. I wonder if my arm is making them uncomfortable, maybe I should let go of them. Maybe they don't even like me or think i'm funny, do they? "Hey look it's the book store, that means we're only about 15 minutes away from your house!", Y/n said and disrupted my train of thought. "Oh yeah.. nice.", I responded looking over at the store. "What are you thinking about, you're really quiet.", Y/n asked making me shuffle my brain for a random answer. "Oh just uhh Dot and Wakko last night they-", "Hey! You kids should be careful come here!", someone said from the entrance of the book shop and we quickly looked over. It was a small old lady and what looked to be her wife holding onto her. Y/n and I carefully walked towards. "You two should be careful-", she started saying before a loud crash of thunder interrupted her. "Its getting bad out there if you'd like you can stay in the shop until things calm down, we have a few people in the back.", she said sweetly and Y/n nudged me slightly as if she wanted me to respond. "Uhh well thanks a lot but we really have to go uhh i've got a brother and a sister to get to..", I said and the ladies wished us luck. 

"I admire how much you love Wakko and Dot.", Y/n said quietly almost resting their body on mine as we walked, making me slightly nervous. "Well they do mean a lot to me.", I responded gripping the umbrella even tighter. "You're a good big brother, and-", they paused, "friend.", the word stung. Friend. That's all I am to them. "Yeah haha.", I said awkwardly hoping I could think of something to change the subject. "So uhh are you and (ex s/o), uhm talking?", I asked and Y/n looked up at me. "No no, I realized how much more fun I have with you.", they replied sparking up a sort of excitement in me. "Fun?", I questioned, "Whats so fun about this? We're stuck in the rain, there is a slight possibility we got struck by lightning and its cold.", I responded. "Well you're here so it's bearable.", they responded and I smiled to myself. 

2nd Person Pov

You both walked in a comfortable silence, thinking to yourselves. "Well heres the fork.", Yakko said unwrapping his hand from you and pointing to the fork in the road, one way leading to your neighborhood and the other leading to the Warner Brothers lot. "I can walk you home if you want.", he said wrapping his arm back around you and beginning to walk in the direction of your neighborhood. "No wait! Can I go back to your place.. I like it there.", you said stopping abruptly. "Well, won't your parents want you home?", Yakko asked, "Well umm I can call them when I get to the water tower, i'm sure they'll be fine with it because they know you.", you smiled and Yakko then walked towards the lot. More thunder crashed and lightning littered the sky, you two arrived and quickly climbed up into the water tower making sure not to slip. Yakko opened the door, "Guys i'm home!", no response. "Y/n's here too!", "Y/N!! HIII!", Wakko yelled running up to you and jumping into your arms then giving you a kiss. "Yeah cut it Casinova.", Yakko said and his brother climbed off of you. "Y/N!? HI WANNA LOOK THROUGH MY NEW MAGAZINES?", Dot asked running up to you and shoving the new Variety Speaks paper into your face. "Alright sibs calm down!", Yakko said and they both backed off and went back to doing their own thing.

You put up your umbrella next to the door while Yakko got you a towel to dry up your feet. "Here ya go.", he said handing you the towel. "Are you cold? Do you want a blanket?", he asked and you nodded, "follow me.", he said leading you into his room. You sat on the edge of his bed while he dug through drawers and handed you a blanket. He sat down next to you and wrapped you up in the blanket, "Are you comfy?", he asked nearing your face slowly, you nodded. "Hey Yakko can I have- OOOO ARE YOU GUYS GONNA KISS?!", Wakko yelled covering his mouth with his hand and pointing at you guys, Dot ran in and did the same thing, "Yakko they would never let you kiss them!", Dot teased. Yakko furrowed his eyebrow at her then looked back at you smashing his lips into yours. It was like a bubble of anxiousness and frustration had been popped for the both of you, he pulled away and you smiled cheekily. "I- I guess I was wrong", Dot muttered in shock, Wakko still standing in the doorway in complete silence with his jaw on the floor.

Dot closed his and pulled him away, "You guys may continue.", she said before walking off. "Shall we?", Yakko asked smirking. "Yes."

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