How to smile again - Dot X Depressed Reader TW

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-Requested by @Ya_BOI_MINTZ-

2nd Person pov

Day One

Another day. Put on some clothes, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and get to work, my day went in steps, it was easier to think of it that way. Instead of looking at the whole treacherous day ahead I just go one step at a time. It doesn't work though, day by day my fears, pain, loneliness grew. Why did you even need to come to this stupid job, your parents say it's for you to make an extra dime, but you knew they wanted you out the house quicker. "Y/n you're working here today, remember our three golden rules", Mr. Plotz said as he handed you a small sheet of paper. Your job was simple, you go to a new studio everyday with a checklist, you make sure everyone is getting along and doing your job and the next day your off to a new studio. You repeated the three golden rules to Plotz, "Don't touch the actors, Don't be disruptive, and write everything you observe", "Great job now get to work,", Plotz said stomping off. 'Studio 46- Animaniacs', you read in your head, 'Ive never worked there.' you thought and began walking there.

Here you were. A moment in time, standing next to all these big names, directors, producers, actors, actresses, models, designers, and who were you. Nobody knows your name. "Y/n! Hi sweety! I was told you'd be here just sit here we're about to start shooting!", A woman with puffy orange hair said grabbing your arm and plopping you onto a seat. "Thanks.", you said as you looked around the set and jotted notes down. You noticed three toons walk in to your left, 'they're the stars of the show', you thought, 'how lucky'. You then noticed you had been staring at them and quickly looked away hoping they didn't notice, when you picked your head back up to horror they began walking straight towards you. "Hi! We're the Warner Brother!", Both boys said in synchronicity, "and the Warner sister!", The girl said smiling at you. "Im Yakko!", "Im Wakko!", "And Im cuteeee! MUAHH! no but really call me Dot! Say whens your next day off?", Dot questioned as she sat in your arms. "Alright kids thats enough! go! they need you up there!", the same orange haired lady was back she pulled Dot off of you and lead then to the cameras. You frowned for a moment, but quickly reminded yourself why you were here, to do your job. Time went by slower than normal you watched as everyone you assumed to be better than you preform. Still thinking about your interaction with Yakko Wakko and most specifically Dot, why. Probably because nobody ever acted that way towards you. Doesn't matter anymore the day is over. You walked out the set with your now filled out paper to give to Mr.Plotz. "Here you go", you said handing him the sheet, he skimmed it then looked back up. "Lots of notes about Dot.", he said walking away. You turned red, 'Was I accidentally paying attention to her the whole time?', you thought to yourself. What does it matter. Your not going to see her again. She doesn't care about you. Nobody does. You walked out the building quickly, wanting to already get home and go back to sleep.

"HI AGAIN!", you jumped and quickly turned around to see who was talking. It was Dot. "Oh hi.", you said quietly and she walked up next to you intertwining her arm with yours. "Where are you going?!", she asked. "home." "Maybe we can go out for a meal!?", "I want to go home.", you said moving your arm away from hers and walking off. You left her there. You went home. You went to bed.

Day Two

Your back. At work. Not only do you feel the same worry, and disgust as everyday. But you felt even worse about what happened yesterday with Dot. Why couldn't you express yourself. Why?

The day was over once again, back to Plotz's office to give him your work for the day. Now back home. You walked across the seemingly empty lot staring down at your feet as you walked. You looked up at the exit. No. Dot was there bothering Ralph. You couldn't pass near her you had to hide. You ran back behind one of the water towers ledges sitting down on the ground. Tears pouring from your face, you touched your cheek. 'Why am I crying?' You let your face dig into your knees as you swayed yourself slightly.

A tap. "Are you okay? I saw you run.", you looked up at the strangely comforting voice, it was Dot. "I-I'm sorry I have to get going", you said sniffling in between words and trying to stand up. She sat down next to you and rested her head on your shoulder. "What's wrong?", she questioned. Things like this happened all the time. Someone finds you crying they ask you what's wrong you don't answer and they leave, but something about this time made you answer. You answered before you could fully process what you were going to say, words just spitting out your mouth. You told her everything. Everything you felt, everything you dealt with everything you thought. She spent hours talking, comforting you, she never left.

"I know i've only known you for two days but I haven't seen you smile.", Dot said quietly. "I don't think I can.", you replied. Silence. "Then maybe I will have to teach you how to smile again. What kind of things do you like to do?", Dot questioned. "I don't know. Go on walks.", you said in almost a whisper. "This is my number. You don't have to but call me. Tomorrow is Saturday you don't work right? Lesson starts then.", she smiled lifting you up and kissing you on the cheek. You blushed and thought about it the whole way home.

Day Three

You got up from bed and got dressed. Why? You had decided you would call Dot. Anyway if you embarrassed yourself you could just quit for job and never see her again. You shakily held the paper containing her number on it in one hand and began to dial. "Hello?" "Hi who's this?", "Y/n, is this Dot?", you asked, "DOT ITS FOR YOUUUUUU!"... "Hello?!" "hi it's Y/n I think i'm ready." "REALLY?! Okay come to the lot hurry!", the phone hung up.

You walked to the lot slowly trying to decide if whether turning back now was a good idea. "Hi Y/n!!!", Dot said running up to you with a small paper. "What's that?", you asked pointing to the paper. "Our list! You're going to have so much fun today trust me!", she smiled and wrapped her arm around yours pulling you along. You arrived at your destination. An amusement park? Great. "We're going here?", you asked gulping nervously. "Yes trust me it's going to be so fun!", she smiled. You both got tickets and went inside riding a few rides. The adrenaline fueling your body, you didn't feel as miserable. The whole day went along so quickly, time hadn't gone by this quick for you in years. We're you having fun.

You and Dot were now walking back to the lot. "Here!", she said before you left. She handed you a small pendant one you had noticed on her neck earlier but payed no attention to. "What's this for?", you asked. "For being so cute!", she said leaning over and kissing you, your lips shocked, but slowly going along with it. "Bye!" "bye."

You walked home, the whole day replaying in your mind, Dot kissing you replaying in your mind. The way it made you feel, the way you felt with her. You clutched the pendant tightly and ran into your bathroom, you looked in the mirror and for the first time in ages. You smiled. Not only that but you felt such a rush, "am I in love?" You ran to your phone and quickly called Dot back. "Hello?" "who's this?" "For Dot." "DOT THE PHONE AGAINNNNN!" "hello?" "hi it's Y/n I just wanted to say thankyou I had fun today." "YOU DID!!?" "yeah.. maybe we can go somewhere else tomorrow if uhh you have time?" "YES! Meet me in the lot at 3:00" You said your goodbyes and went to bed. The next day you it was easy to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

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