Chapter-5 (Reunion)

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-no one pov-
Aizawa walking to the peincipal office when he goes in and he saw Nezu and Four people 
Nezu: Ah Aizawa your here good these agents will be protecting our school and your students
Aizawa: ok?
He look them that he suprised that one of the agent is only a kid Glitch: Ok Cypher put some trap and take some posituon in roof top will ya
Cypher: On it Glitch
and Cypher guy walked away
Glitch: Phoniex Jett you two come with me
Both Phoniex and Jett: Ok/ Alright lets go
they go to the class 1A

-Izuku pov-

this school is bigger than I thought tf is that door made for giants?
Aizawa said to wait us at out side and he walked in a yell come out from the room and I exactly remember who is it

-Aizawa Pov-

I walk in the class to tell the students
Katsuki: GIVE ME THE F****** BO-
I stand and watch them untill they stop arguing when they stop I says
Aizawa: Since after the USJ incident Govement and Principal Hired a secreat agents to protect the school there are 4 of them to be nice one of them is same age as you guys ok you three you can come on in

-no one pov-

Izuku and his team go in and stand in front of the class Izuku saw Former Bully and So called sis and Katsumi…he frozed for a little he start to feels guilty all these year he been traning and doing mission killing cyborg and defusing spikes but didn't remebered her…he hold him self and he think the he will apologize her
Aizawa: Ok you Three introduse the class your self and I'll leave this time free ask and answer questions Im going to sleep just don't annoys me
and he walk in his yellow sleeping beg and sleeps

-Katsumi pov-

I was having a normal day in 1A Brither is yelling to everyone Iida is lecturing him and then our homeroom teacher walk in and says the govment and principal hired agents to protect At first I didn't even care untill I sees him…10 year 10 f***ing year he left and now he's back and an agent to protect us? I want ro hug him right now but since we are in the middle of the class and I bet my brother and his sister suprised to a lot

-no on pov-

The whole room is silence until Phoniex introduce him self
Phoniex: haaa ok than Ill go first The name is Phoniex Mission cout 4098 win 3034 lost 1064
the girl with pink skin ask him
???; Umm whats your qurik
Phoniex: Its Flame I can produce super high level flames and it can heals me
Jett: My turn then Jett Mission count same as Phoniex but my win count is 4066 lost 32
The girl with Brown hair ask me
???: so whats your qurik
Jett: Its Wind I can control winds
???:oh cool
Izuku: Haa…
everyone look at him
Izuku: The name is Glitch my mission count is 5000 win count is 5000 no lose count ye-
a bullete fly through near his eye didn't hit
Izuku: Im Talking…So shut up or next time it'll hit your head Bakugo
Everyone shock and the whole room went silience untill Aizawa stand up and ask
Aizawa: Am I dead Am I in Haven cuz all of my annoying stidents shuts up all of a sudden
Izuku sigh and sit on the back of the class while phoniex and Jett walk out for patrol around the school

<Time skip brought to you by chibi Phoniex kissing chibi Jett's Cheek>

-Izuku pov-
The school end finally everystudents walk out when everyone out I grabbed Katsumi's hand and walk her to roof top she don't struggle nor yell she followed me quietly unlike her normal personality
when we reach to the roof top I put her infront of me and I says
Katsumi: for what?
Izuku: For leaving you behind…ok I know you won't forg-
she kissed him suddenly Izuku face covered in red his jeart beat start to get fast he kissed back and after they broke the kiss she said
Katdumi: Its ok…I forgive you Izu I missed you you idiot
she hugged him tight as he huged her back the evening goes well they went back to dorms by holding their hands tight toegther not letting them go 

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