CHAPTER 62: The letter

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I was happily sharing a packet of Cheetos with Rylie in my room as we browsed through some current happenings around the country in my laptop as an assignment from my lovely grumpy Papa Agostini. Rylie had the day off so she decided to help me. The news were in Italian language and Papa had given me the task to read them all along with some magazines and a dictionary to refer help from. Who needs a dictionary when I have Rylie? So in a few days or weeks or even months from now, I would be reading news in Italian like an expert. That man is surely dedicated on teaching me, if one may excuse the fact that he gives me a lot of assignment, uses his own printing machine to make pop quiz (which I find weirdly adorable and shocking) and does not tolerate my presence for more than two hours precisely.

"Okay, so we are done with sports, political, education and crime." I sighed dramatically. "It's sad that I misssed the Olympic Games last year. I used to watch ice skating with my brother when I was child."

Rylie patted my head out of fake pity and tapped her pencil on the screen, motioning me to focus.

"Right. So we're left with celebrity, my not so personal favorite, business and arts, my least favorite." I saw that we ran out of Cheetos. Rylie crushed the empty packet and aimed it for the bin which was almost five feet away from us. "Five points to Rylie!" I declared, clapping in excitement.

She stood up and faked a curtsy which made us both giggle.

"I'll get us some more Cheetos." I winced as I got up from my bed. Rylie raised an amused eyebrow and crossed her arms. I shot her a glare. "Don't look at me like that, Ry."

Smirking, she quickly scribbled something on her notepad and tossed it on the bed.

'Had a sexy Sunday?'

Hell, it has been only a day since I came back from my weekend with Leonardo and this girl has not stopped with her teasing. Yes, we spent the entire weekend in that suite, doing it on the wall, floor, couch, in the bathroom, kitchen, other bedrooms... we couldn't keep our hands off from each other. We spent our days lost in each other's touches, sleeping, ordering food and getting lost in the world of pleasure again, forgetting about the food we had ordered as he satisfied his hunger by eating me out on the dining table. For a moment I was upset that he didn't inform me that we would be away for the entire weekend beforehand. I would have packed some essentials, but later he reasoned that we only required a toothbrush which the hotel provides and clothes would have been extra luggage and we didn't need it.

The man had a point. We spent two days in the suite wearing nothing except towels... occasionally. When we were sated but not tired, we would finally eat real food and talk about things, have some fun. I taught him how to boil water and he chased me around after I made fun of him not knowing basic necessities like boiling water. It only led us back to bedroom where we had more wild love making.

We came back home late morning on Monday and that's when I did the infamous 'walk of shame' in front of everybody. From my tousled hair, two days old clothes with no lingerie inside and heels in my hand to my noodles-like legs, Rylie and Carina were a laughing mess when they saw me. Leonardo didn't care. He didn't care about it for a single bit. He looked fine except for a few crinkles on his shirt and a lost sock. His words before he left for work were: "I fucked you limp. I did good."

"I am fine, if you ever bother to ask." I muttered dryly. "Which you never did."

She shrugged nonchalantly as if saying, "I don't care. I get to make fun of you."

I sighed. "Just search for celebrity news. I'll get some more Cheetos."

I closed the door of my room and climbed down the stairs when I saw my one year long gone new buddy Stefan climbing up the stairs with a small box full of papers, envelopes to be exact.

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