BONUS CHAPTER 2: A little guilt trip

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Leonardo Agostini's POV:

Fuck. This girl will definitely be the end of me.

What exactly happened again right now? Ah, yes. I just pulled out a dumb, money and time wasting game on a twenty something girl who behaves as if she is still seventeen.

Oh, and one more thing.

I kissed her again.

I keep staring at my half open door, slight confused about why and how exactly am I standing here, alone and unanswered. That's just sad. I pulled out a hand of mutual acquaintanceship, an opportunity to start anew and this girl leaves me hanging. Who does she think she is? She has to be taught a lesson. Good thing that she had been taught a lesson now. Nobody crosses me. It was necessary. I really should start concentrating on my work again and not indulge in entertaining things which included watching that little girl make vain attempts on getting out of this place through the cameras. At least that won't be happening anymore. Nothing will happen anymore. She saw the truth herself, I got to see the defeat on her face. I won. I always do. Even though I knew I was already going to. I did it.

But somehow, God knows how, there has been an ill feeling inside of me since the moment we all had stepped our foot outside my home. It did not felt right and then that broken look on her face, begging me to kill her was not right too.

I must say, she has a strong mindset with zero physical strength. Determined. Fierce. Too bad it was worth nothing.

One moment I was actually making up to that girl, actually felt pity for her (though she clearly said not to) and made an effort to amend, the next I am standing alone in my bedroom, dumbfounded.

That girl, Amelia, actually left me. Walked away to be exact. Poof. Gone.

Shrugging to myself, I grabbed the glass of water for myself and drank it, whistling out of my bedroom and straight to my private office. Searched my shelves to find a bottle of my latest, oldest scotch I had bought a few days ago and poured myself a drink while gazing out of my glass paned window.

Might as well spend the rest of the night here drinking; a perfect remedy to remove that ill feeling off my chest.

I was about to pour myself another glass when I heard the door close. I looked up and saw my brother smiling at me.

"Celebrating your victory alone, boss?"

I raised a quizzical brow. It is surely suspicious of him to be in a good mood and up so late. I swear I saw him heading straight upstairs when we came back. I thought he went to sleep.

"Drop those useless formalities, brother. We are not at work."

He nodded and sat in front of my desk. "You're drinking?"

"Felt like it." I answered monotonously.

"If that's the case, pour one for me too."

My eyes narrowed. Adrian hasn't had a drink in ages. Not since he... Something is not right. Either he just sits with a glass or prefers the finest non alcoholic drinks available to blend in.

"Stop staring at me and pour one!" He snapped irritatbly.

I showed him the bottle like a seller. "This is scotch. Macallan. 72 year old. You sure you want a taste of this?"

He glared. "Are you questioning my choice, brother? You know I don't tolerate that kind of behavior from you."

"Fine." I raised my arms in surrender and took another glass from my drawer. "Don't get cranky over small things, brother. Because you do, like a lot."

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