BONUS CHAPTER 4.1: Adrian's POV (ii)

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I waited patiently for the call to connect while surfing through the internet, searching some good baby names gender wise. A message chimed in on my screen.

'Boss, he's on line.'

Finally! I sighed in relief and faced my desktop screen. When I saw my father's face after a month, I burst out laughing and fell off the chair.

"Stop laughing, will you?" He snapped. "It's not permanent!"

"Your hair is pink! Pink!" I laughed out loud and managed to get up from the floor. Secretly, I took a screenshot and mentally made a note to share it with my brother and Amelia. This just made my day.

"Is this how you greet your father? I had taught you manners when you were a child."

"Oh God," I gasped for air. "How… How did this happen? And what is up with that heavy bandage on your forehead, father?"

Father still looks the same as he always does. Age is nothing to him. He was wearing his nightshirt and I could clearly point it out from the background that he is sitting in the dining area. The only difference in his appearance is the heavy bandage on his forehead and his Barbie pink hair.

"A small mishap. Nothing else. I clearly ordered you and your brother to not to disturb me!" He hissed.

"Amelia went into labour earlier this evening." I informed him. "We are all hoping for a girl this time."

"Is that all?" He scowled. "You do not think I know already? I'm not a fool. I have access to all the cameras. If hitting a pregnant woman with a toy car gets her into labour, give those kids a bigger toy car to play with. I don't care."

I raised a mused brow. "You don't care about your grandchildren?"

"Tell that brother of yours to control that sudden burst of pent up energy and focus on work. I've had enough of his teenage boy urges."

I stifled a laugh. "I will make sure that your word reaches him."

"Good. I'm leaving then."

"Hey! No! Wait. Papa, I'm not done yet!" I whined.

"What is it now?" He barked.

"As an obedient son who actually knows manners, it is my duty to ask how my father is as I am seeing him after a month… virtually or not. And I am actually concerned about that bandage you have on your forehead. No jokes on that pink hair."

He gave me an odd look. "Are you pulling my leg, son?"

"Yes, I am." I grin.

"I see." My grin became wider when he didn't scold me for that. Ah, so the man's in a proper mood. "Anything else?"

"I tried contacting my caretaker there. He didn't pick up my calls. Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"I fired him and sent him away." He answered monotonously.

My eyes widen. "O-okay. Did my weekly cleaner stop by?"

"I fired her too."

Ouch. Now that's just harsh. He really took over my first, private home for the sake of holding a hostage. Speaking of hostages…

"Where is she?" I asked, actually feeling concerned.

His face darkened. "That witch did this to me!" He gestured to his head wound and his hair. "Don't you dare ask me about that woman, Adrian."

I leaned back to my chair, not surprised by his revelation. "How romantic. No wonder why you decided to flee away, taking her with you against her wishes. Didn't know that you had it in you."

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