Capsule of memories.

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Capsule of memories.
by: Clara Cecilia Cordero

Long lashes
Long legs
Dark eyes
Dark hair
Musical talent
A shy but mesmerizing smile
Silent conversations
Shy but monsoon thoughts
Middle child understanding
Poetic look in those eyes
Awkward conversations
Getting scared by unexpected fireworks together
Canadian bacon stories
Movies to watch
Getting on stage
Unplugging your brother's guitar and you noticing
Meeting your mother
She knows me
Meeting your dad
Meeting one of your cousins
Saying goodbyes
Midnight conversations with families and friend on parking lots
Wanting to know you better
Always a fan
Always feeling new whenever we say hi and hug awkwardly
Having lucky cookies from Panda Express
Loving you from a far even when it was so close made everything better & my self-hatry was almost unfelt.
All of these things thanks to you.

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