"Stops on the way to hell."

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"Stops on the way to Hell."

by: Clara Cecilia Cordero

The stops that you put in my way are not going to really stop me. Get that in your head and 'stop' trying to cage me or cut my wings off. Because I might fly away from you.

Be careful and wear a shield because I might just hurt you.

You might not understand how much of a bigger person I am right now; but that doesn't change my thoughts or my actions.

For you is a test for me is you wasting my time, and now money.

I don't hate you as much as I did a month ago. But you surely aren't in my top five.

The hooks you have on me are oxidizing with the boiling blood of my limp body. The pain you cause is just the starters of your full on 3 course meal.

Have a nice one, please don't choke on my riddle of honesty, shameless rudeness and sincere good bye holding in the need to send you to hell, cause after all you'll be the one who'll welcome me there.

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