Sleepless mind.

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I feel so tired. My back against the bed, like a feather resting carelessly and lonely on the road. Empty and dumbfounded my expression projects but inside my head a torrent of ideas, a monsoon of beliefs. I feel so tired. I try to blink but the dryness of my eyes keep me away from some comfort ashore pain. Looking up and seeing nothingness , the darkness that surrounds me its vaguely safe and remotely thick.

Games and combinations travel, connect, do, electrons fly around my head like chemical contrast of my subcontinent. What am I doing? I open my palm in front of me; I know it's there, but I don't see it, I know it's there but I could easily forget. I feel so tired and yet words can't stop forming one after the other like water against sand, provoking a physical change, a source or energy to feed from. No meat or beans for energy but words, no electricity to recharge myself but phrases that I carry around my skin like a type of blood, people have them but not all know how important they can be. I feel so tired.

But I can't sleep.

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