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It wasn't easy being the only girl, each of her 5 brothers protected her at all times

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It wasn't easy being the only girl, each of her 5 brothers protected her at all times. Refusing to let her go anywhere alone, one of them had to be with her. It was as if she was in a prison.

Isi was the youngest of Ragnar Lothbroks children, Aslaug was overwhelmed when she found out she finally had a daughter. All the boys seemed to be getting to much for her.

Growing up Isi was close with all her brothers, but she was Exceptionally close to her brother Hvitsirk. He was the only one of her brothers that let her be herself.

It was hard for her to play with Ivar, because he couldn't use his legs. And it seemed that only Isi noticed the sadness it brought her brother, that he couldn't run around with them.

Even now that she was 17 she could still see the hurt in her brothers eyes. His legs would be a burden on him his whole life. And there was nothing anyone could do to help him.

Isi was loved by many in Kattegat, she was a beautiful, kind girl. Who, unlike her brothers, would help anyone she could. Even if they were nothing but a slave to her father.

She sat around the large table with her brothers as the slaves poured mead into their golden cups. There was one made in particular that seemed to caught all of their attention. She was a skinny, blonde with worn out clothes, yet she was glared at by every one of her brothers.

They were whores. Fucked any woman they could find. And Isi knew this, sometimes heard it. Yet not a single woman complained. She pitied them, only being used for their bodies. That's not why a woman was created.

"Will you all stop looking at her like she is a piece of meat, it truly is disgusting" she spoke up with a disgusted look on her face.

Most of her brothers just laughed and rolled their eyes at her complaint. As she came back, her eldest brother Ubbe, took hold of the girl and brought her to sit on his lap. Surprisingly she seemed to enjoy it.

"That's what they are for dear sister" he said as they laughed. Isi let out a groan as she ate, appalled by her brothers behaviour.

"And I suppose that's what I'm for to other men as well" each pair of eyes burned through her at her reply. She wasn't just any girl and she knew that, she was the only daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok. She was special.

"Definitely not. I will happily blood eagle any man who even dares look at you" Ivar threatened. Stabbing his small knife into the wooden plank of the table, his eyes filled with rage.

His anger only caused Isi to let out a small laugh. She hated how protective they could be, she wasn't a child anymore. She could take care of her self.

"I am not a child anymore Ivar" she scoffed, drinking the mead from her cup. The coldness of the gold against her lips sent a shiver down her body, causing her to shift in her seat.

Isi blocked out the arguments that started between Ivar and Sigurd. It was mostly about stupid things about childhood, how mother favoured Ivar because of his disability. It was true, he got extra attention for her that the rest of them didn't.

"That's because you are a cripple" Isi rolled her eyes at her brothers comment. Once again he used the 'cripple' card, he never fully understood how much that hurt his younger brother.

Isi would hear her brothers cries at night, she figured it was because of the pain. But his eyes told a completely different story, they were hurt.

"Sigurd enough" she warned leaning back in her chair. Normally it would get violent after the word cripple was used. Ubbe, Hvitsirk and Isi was forced to sit back and watch them fight.

Sigurd continued with his hurtful comments, and Isi could see the anger rise in her brother. Even their mother couldn't stop the pair, it usually finished once one of them got hurt.

Finally Isi had enough of their bickering and stood up, her chair falling behind her. The pair stopped arguing and all eyes were now on the dark haired girl.

"I have had enough of your arguing! The sooner father comes home and smacks your heads together the better" her voice was threatening as she stormed towards the door. The room silent as the boys watched their sister leave.

Just as she walked out of sight she heard a voice from inside. "Good job Sigurd, now I will have to go and fucking find her."

Isi stormed through the dark streets of the village down towards the beach. It had always been the place that was able to calm her down. It was peaceful.

She sat on the edge of the dock, her feet slightly touching the oncoming waves. Soaking the tips of her toes as they dipped into the water.

The sound of heavy boots against the planks caused her to turn around. A dark figure approached her in the distance, the fur of their cloak was a clear sign it was one of her brothers. She just couldn't determine what one.

She felt the weight of the person sit down beside her, his arm brushing against hers. Her dark eyes met with the dark ones which belonged to Hvitsirk, out of all the siblings they were the only ones with none blue eyes.

"I know you hate them arguing" he spoke softly as they looked out upon the waves. The moon glistening beautifully against the water.

"It's not just that, I hate how he always brings up the fact that Ivar is a cripple" she sighed. She knew how much it hurt him, but Sigurd didn't seem to take the hint.

Hvitsirk never replied, instead he pulled his younger sister into a hug. He could tell how their arguments affected her, she was never as strong with emotions as them. Her brothers always thought of her as weaker then them.

But she wasn't weak. Just because she was a girl they thought of her differently. Even though there was many shield maidens that fought with them. They always said their sister wouldn't meet the expectations of a fighter.

But she would soon prove them wrong.

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