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"T-that can't be right–Hvitsirk wouldn't just kill her–he wouldn't" Isi argued, the tears forming in her eyes from the shock

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"T-that can't be right–Hvitsirk wouldn't just kill her–he wouldn't" Isi argued, the tears forming in her eyes from the shock.

Bjorn had just informed her that their own brother had killed Lagertha, their half brothers mother, the greatest shield maiden alive, though Isi was now named the greatest shield maiden she never truly believed she was. She was completely shocked, the brother she grew to know so well had killed her in cold blood, when she welded no weapon.

Though in all honesty, she wasn't as upset as her siblings were. Lagertha had killed her mother after all, what surprised her the most was that it was Hvitsirk, she always thought it would have been Ivar. Though nowadays Hvitsirk was supposedly just as ruthless as Ivar.

"He did, we found her body the next morning after he had fled" Ubbe explained as he savoured the cup held in his hand.

"Why? I don't understand why he would do that–it's just–it's not like him"

"A lot has changed since you left sister" Bjorn informed her as he walked around the large table that sat between them.

They had moved to a more private room to allow them to talk without unwanted ears hearing. This had been Ubbe's idea after spotting a pair of angry eyes from the crowd, much to Isi's disappointment as his wife had joined them, followed by many other unknown people.

Now, Isi had some regrets on leaving. Her family had been torn apart, her brothers wanting to practically fight to the death, not knowing any of the people that married or were birthed into her family, and better still her own children didn't know their family. Though without leaving she wouldn't be the person she was today, she might never have had a family, or at this point she could have been dead. She never knew what could have happened but their was many possibilities.

Her dark eyes caught with those of her husband's who stood alone in the corner, listening intently to the conversation that were happening between the siblings. He gave her a slight nod to start a new conversation after the silence grew awkward.

Isi took a sip from the cup she cradled in her hands before clearing her throat. "So Lagertha is dead, you are king of all Norway, you have a large army to defeat our brothers. What do you need me for?"

Bjorn let out a small laugh followed by a genuine smile, how Isi had missed hearing him laugh.

"I may have this army, I may have this power. But we wouldn't have had you my dear sister."

"I surely wasn't treated with a warm welcome from someone who needed me."

"I suppose Ubbe hasn't explained why you are this armies secret weapon?"

Isi shot her brother a confused look, her dark orbs switching over to his wife Torvi who had made a sudden exit.

"It looks as it he hasn't, care to elaborate or do you wish to leave me in the dark?" she asked, stretching over the table to get closer to her eldest brother.

Bjorn looked over towards Ubbe, gesturing for him to do the honours.

"Isi, your 'death' effected all of us, Hvitisirk and Ivar the most it seemed" he swallowed heavily before continuing. "Hvitisirk turned into a drunk and an addict, trading everything he had to feed his urge, even his arm ring. But he never dared to part with the dagger he had once given you, the dagger that saved you from an unknown fate many years ago."


"As for Ivar" he interrupted, drinking down the remains of his cup. "He grew even more aggressive, blaming himself for your death. He regretted bringing you to York, regretted attacking it in the first place. He blamed himself for not protecting you, like he never protected you back then."

As she went to respond she found that she didn't know exactly what to respond. How does one respond to that? tell them she's grateful because they grieved over her?

She never got the chance to respond due to the sound of a small giggle entering the room. Torvi had returned surprisingly holding a small blanket which contained a baby, by its size Isi guessed the child was only a few months old.

"Who-who's this?" she asked, leaning over the table towards the mother and child while her eyes remained on Ubbe.

Ubbe walked over towards them, kissing the top of his wife's head, his hand gently rubbing the top of the babies crown.

"This my sister is my son, Ragnar." he smiled.

Isi couldn't help but smile, she expected it to have been Bjorn who named his son after their father, but she was equally pleased that it was Ubbe. Looking at the small human comfortably wrapped in the blanket of fur she could see the resemblances he shared with his father. He had the bright blue eyes that Ubbe had, the same nose, and even the same lips but he did have the blonde hair that resembled his mother.

"May i?" Isi asked, holding out her hands towards baby Ragnar.

Torvi looked up towards Ubbe as if to ask for approval, which he granted with a small nod of his head. "Of course."

Carefully Torvi placed the blanket in Isi's waiting arms, a nervous smile on her lips. Isi wasn't surprised by the reaction she was a stranger to most of these people after all.

Isi returned the smile before gently pulling down the the blanket away from the babies face. He truly was a beautiful baby, and he did look like a Lothbrok, there was always a way to tell when you were in the company of a Lothbrok. Suppose it was the eyes.

"Hello, Ragnar" Isi smiled as the baby giggled, grabbing onto her finger tightly.

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