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Isi was heartbroken

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Isi was heartbroken. Looking at Sigurd laying there in the boat tore her apart. His pale, peaceful body surrounded by his belongings. How could Ivar kill him? If he was capable of killing Sigurd, surely he was capable of killing them all. Isi was now truly terrified of her brother.

The image of the axe imbedded in Sigurds chest haunted her dreams, even if she was awake she could still see him. See his last few moments pass by slowly, his last word, his last breath. She could see it all.

Isi placed his instrument down by his head, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Each brother did the honours of lighting a piece of the boat, sending it into the water.

She watched the fire spread, engulfing her brothers body. She could physically feel the heat admitting from the flames, the only sound being the fire and her sobbing.

Hvitsirk pulled her into him, Isi immediately wrapping her arms around him. Though him and the others were also grieving they tended to hide their emotions, cry when only necessary. But right now their anger was over running their bodies.

Each set of eyes glared at Ivar angrily, after all he was the one that caused this. Though if Sigurd had listened to Isi then he might possibly have lived, only the gods knew. And this was the fate they had chosen for Sigurd.

"He's gone. He's really gone" she sobbed harder into Hvitsirks shoulder. His hand patted her head gently, trying to comfort her, or at least calm her breathing.

"It's okay, he's with Mother and father now Isi" he reassured her. "I'm sure their welcoming him into Valhalla" he added with a small 'shh' at the end, her breathing slowly steadying.

She could never forgive Ivar for this, neither of them could. He killed his own brother, perhaps by accident but he still ended the life of his sibling.

After the funeral Isi sat in the corner of their tent, sulking and attempting to drink her life away. Right now nothing else mattered, as long as she didn't have to feel the pit in his stomach any longer.

"I know what you are all thinking, but it is not true. I didn't mean to kill him" Ivar spoke up as Bjorn walked in. "He made me kill him"

Instead of arguing Bjorn chose a better thing to do with his time. Which was comfort Isi. They may not have been the closest out of the siblings, but he was still her brother.

"You cannot drink your problems away" he told her, sitting aside her as they listened to Ivars excuses of why he did what he did.

"Maybe if I drink enough it will bring him back" she responded plainly, finishing yet another cup. Instead of attempting to stop her, he pulled her closer to him. The brothers weren't ones to know emotions, but he knew when someone needed to be hugged, especially if it was Isi.

"What king of a man turns and tells lies about his own brother" Ivar asked, his voice shaky. Isi could tell her regretted killing him, but even if he could change the past, Isi didn't think he would want to bring him back.

After all, all they did was torment and argue with one another.

"What lies did he tell?" Hvitsirk asked. Ivar only glared at him, as if the answer was something he already knew.

"I swear to the gods and everything that is sacred that I never meant to kill him. Anger overcame me"  he told them, his eyes wide.

Silence filled the room, no one wishing to speak after what Ivar had confessed. No matter how much love Isi had for her brother, nothing could change the hurt she felt right now. First her father died, then her mother and now her brother. She had nothing. Her happiness was gone.

Finishing one more cup Isi rose to her feet, catching the attention of everyone in the room. "You can't blame killing Sigurd on the fact that the slave told him that you can't use your dick. That's just pathetic Ivar" she spat, storming out of the tent. As much as Ivar wished to retaliate, he sat quietly with his head down. Arguing with her would solve nothing.

"She's upset Ivar, you can't blame her" Ubbe told him, before following the path of his sister. He was unsure of where she would have gone, they were in a different land, Isi would have no recollection of the place.

However she had no need to know the land, she wasn't intending on travelling far. In fact it was only a few metres away from the camp.

She sat with her head hung low, watching the ripples in the water below. Her thoughts overclouded her emotions, she was officially numb. The first part of her died along with her father, the next with her mother, and the final part along with Sigurd. She was now just a saddened girl with no hope of returning.

"We all miss him you know, he was our brother too" came a voice from behind her. Ubbe noticed the goosebumps that had formed on her bare skin, removing his cloak and wrapping it around her. "We cannot change the past sister, no matter how many times you relive it"

Isi sighed, why was Ubbe always so wise. "He didn't have a family, no wife, no kids, nothing" she began, her voice soft and sad. "I knew that was one thing he wanted in life, and Ivar took away that opportunity"

"Sigurd died for a reason Isi, the gods had a purpose of taking him from us" her dark eyes looked at her older brother. "The main thing is that he had a happy life, which I believe he did."

Isi smiled softly, one last tear falling from her reddened eyes. Sigurd died happy, knowing that brought a slight speck of happiness back into the girls darkened soul.



I can't thank you guys enough for 1k reads! Thank you so much! I hope you are enjoying the story, please if you are enjoying it feel free to vote, it truly makes my day!


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