3. Zane's trap

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Pov Mira

I had followed Zane's scent deeper and deeper into the forest until it stopped. I tranformed back into my human form and started looking around but just after a few minutes something came running up to me and before I could do something I was knocked out.
When I woke up I felt something burning my wrists and ankles, I immediately noticed that I was chained up with silver. ''So you finally woke up'' Zane said with a big grin on his face. ''What do you want from me?!'' I said angrily. '' now now, you should watch that tone or do you want to end up like your brother?'' Zane said while smirking. I gritted my teeth trying not to say something stupid. '' Now where is it?!'' Zane demanded. '' I will never tell you where my mother's relic is!'' I yelled angrily. Zane gritted his teeth while walking away and saying '' Fine then we will do it the hard way'' He said while turning to face me so I could see him smirk. Zane had left and a few hours had passed before I noticed how late it was '' Oh no'' I said with a scared tone in my voice while looking at the full moon.
I felt my senses enhance to a point where I could smell blood outside of my cell, I tried to resist the smell of blood and tried to connect my mind to jay's mind and I was successful 'I need help follow my scent but DONT BRING SNOWFLAKE it will be to dangerous for her ' I sent him hoping he had heard me.

Pov Garroth

It was the middle of the night when Jay jumped up like he had heard something. After a few minutes he ran downstairs I immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed my armor and put it on as fast as I could while trying to keep up with Jay. Jay ran deeper and deeper into the forest until some sort of structure appeared even though it was in complete ruins it looked like a old dungeon with just a few bricks of the walls left and a stairway down. Jay softly growled while walking down the stairway, once down we reached a hallway with a faint light at the end. Jay started walking to the end of the hallway as soon as we closed in on the cell door he stopped and he then straightened all his neckhair and growled I walked passed him and looked trough the cell door '' I don't see any... AAHHHH'' I got cut of by a werewolf jumping against the door I immediately stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Jay jumped against the doorhandle and opened the door and waited. Sure enough not long after the door opened the werewolf jumped towards us but was pulled back by something and it let out a painful yelp which caused Jay to yelp too, did he feel guilty for this werewolf? Jay then walked in the cell and I couldn't help but to follow him. The werewolf started walking towards us growling loudly. Jay barked at the werewolf and then grabbed my arm in his jaw and started pulling me towards the werewolf ''NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'' I yelled completely frightened which caused the werewolf to jump at us while growling Jay immediately defended me and calmed the werewolf down for now and then grabbed me againd and pulled me to the werewolf again, I decided to not yell this time because that was a bad idea last time. Jay pulled me closer and closer to the werewolf to a point we where just a meter away. The werewolf had started growling softly but Jay stopped the growling by pushing my hand onto the werewolf head. The werewolf immediately froze and started blinking its eyes looking from me to Jay and then back to me. Jay and the werewolf had a small wolf conversation before the werewolf started walking to me making me freeze. The werewolf put her big paw on my chest and I could feel some kind of magic enter my chest and then trough my body. All of the sudden alot of memories started pouring into my head and then everthing made sense again.

Pov Mira

I had just made Garroth remember all the memories of us that I had taken from him awhile back ''Why did you make me forget you?'' Garroth asked me. Before I answered him I tranformed back to my human form luckily my clothes weren't to ripped from transforming. '' I didn't want to take them but I had to for OUR safety'' I said '' If they knew that you knew me they would have kidnapped you to use you as leverage to get me, because they know I would never let someone I lo... care for die'' I said to him '' I... uh.. don't now what to say'' Garroth said kinda sad '' You don't have to say anything'' I said with a smile '' Let's just go back'' ''Yes that would be smart'' Garroth replied. Garroth helped me get the silver chains of off my wrists and ankles and then we left for Phoenix Drop. We were silent the whole way back. Once we reached Garroth's house he had insisted that I should go sleep in his room so I could rest undisturbed when he would leave to go patrolling, I didn't try to change his mind since I knew he would just place me in his bed as soon as I fell asleep so I just listened to him and walked upstairs to his room where I immedietely crawled into his bed and fell asleep.

Pov Garroth

A few hours had passed since we had come back and I was about to go patrolling back I just wanted to make sure she was alright so I quietly went upstairs and to my room and walked in over to my bed where she was still sleeping peacefully I just gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving again.

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