4. Training with Garroth and Zenix

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Pov Mira

I woke up and get out of bed even though I didn't want to I knew that I couldn't sleep all day. I went downstairs where I surprisingly found my journal, sword and medicine bag I had given to Jay so he could hide them. Jay and snow where already awake and ran happily towards me, I hugged Jay and petted Snow ''Thank you for protecting my necklace Snowflake'' I said to Snow while smiling. ''and you too Jay I don't know what I would have done without you'' I said while smiling. I grabbed a apple and a piece of paper and wrote a small note for garroth.

'If you miss me you can find me near the barn'
'P.s. bring Zenix along if you come looking for me'

After writing the note and just placing it on the table I grabbed my bow and arrowcase, sword and my necklace and then went to the barn and searched for a nice place where I could train a bit. I started by putting on my necklace and then casting a spell to repair my ripped clothes so no one would suspect anything.

Pov Garroth

I order Zenix to go to my house to check on Mira but he was already gone for half a hour so I decided to go check myself. I walked to my house and opened the door and went upstairs to check my room but it was empty. I went back downstairs that's when I noticed that Mira's stuff was gone. I immediately ran outside to search for her.

Pov Mira

After awhile I heard someone walk up to me but when I looked there was nobody there, weird. I gestured to Jay to go find Garroth and he immediately ran of. I silently walked to where the noise came from and looked for any signs to tell me that someone had been there. As soon as I crouched down someone came running at me from behind so I turned around In a matter of seconds and pulled my sword infront of me. Our swords clashed and the loud noise of metal to metal bursted trough the area. '' So you are attacking me again?! What's wrong with you?!'' I asked really frustrated. '' What's wrong with me?! Why do you expect us to trust you when we know nothing about you?!'' Zenix yelled. '' THEN WHY DON'T YOU ASK?!'' I asked angrily while pushing him back with alot of force causing him to fall to the ground and he looked really confused to how strong I am. ''What's wrong lost your tongue?'' I asked. '' NO'' Zenix yelled while getting on his feet again ''Then show me what you got'' I dared him while getting ready to fight him. '' FINE I THINK I WILL!!!'' Zenix yelled. He charged at me and then the battle began. After fighting for fifteen minutes I won. ''Did you get it out of your system now? Can I finally talk normally to you now?'' But before I got the chance to ask him something he charged at me again ''I guess that's a no'' I put my sword away and dodged Zenix's sword and then I grabbed his free arm and easily worked him to the ground '' Just so you know I just wanted to do some friendly sparring to get to know you better and try to work things out but I guess you don't want to'' I said while letting him go and then noticing garroth watching us ''I guess you saw everthing?'' I asked Garroth while getting my stuff and picking up Snow. '' Yes I did and I must say you improved alot since we last trained together'' He said to me and that made me blush ''well thank you for the compliment'' I thanked him. "Zenix I want you out on patrol" garroth said sternly to zenix. Zenix mumbled before he left but both garroth and I couldn't make out what. "Are you still up for a bit of sparring?" Garroth asked. "Yeah of course" I said with a grin.

After winning 3 times against garroth, we decided together that it would be useful if we would go back to see how everything was going. We walked back and split up for a little bit so garroth could check up on the village and so that I could put all my stuff away. After dropping off my stuff at garroth's house I took Jay with me so he could smell out garroth for me.
We quickly found garroth who was scolding zenix for something. Zenix quickly noticed me coming towards them and left almost immediately which made garroth even more mad. "Was I interrupting something?" I asked guiltily. "What? Oh... no, he just blames you for the mistakes HE made" garroth said very annoyed. "Why don't we just call it a day and try to work this thing with zenix out tomorrow? Give him some time to think about the thing he did and said." I asked in a calming voice. "Yeah you're right" garroth simply replied.
Garroth and I did one last round around the whole village to make sure everything was okay before heading to his house.
When we arrived at his house I had insisted that I would sleep on the couch and pushed garroth upstairs to his room before going downstairs again and waiting awhile to make sure he was asleep. "Jay?" I whispered. Jay immediately stood up and walked toward me. "I wanna go make sure the village is alright you wanna come with?" I asked Jay who simply nodded.
Jay and I walked around and thru the whole village multiple times before I was convinced that I could go to sleep but just before heading to garroth's house I heard something rummage in the forest. I silently made my way over there and listened for any signs of voices. "I just NEED to find a way to get rid of her" I heard the voice of zenix say angrily at himself. I decided to just leave him be and quietly sneaked away heading towards garroth's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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