1. What happened??

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Pov (point of view) Mira

I started to wake up and I immediately noticed the huge headache I had. "Uhg what happened?" I whispered while looking around. I didn't recall what had happened even though I knew that I had been wandering the forests around a small village. I had put my hand on my head to try to reduce my headache, but I only discovered that I had a wound on my head that had just barely stopped bleeding. "I really don't recall have a wound on my head" I whispered to myself while getting up. I pick up my bow and arrow case and started walking. I had only walked a couple feet from where I woke up when I noticed that I wasn't alone. I slowly but surely grabbed my bow from my back with a arrow and started to look and sense around me to see where the person was that was watching me. When I knew in wich direction the person was I slowly made my way over there but when I got there the person was gone. I was about to turn around when a sword came into my vision and I was just in time to dodge it. I tried to reach for my sword but my hand just grabs air, my sword is gone?! I just try to dodge his sword at all cost not noticing someone had came from my left, before I could react the other person had knocked me out. Before I fainted I got a glimpse of the other person's eye wich I immediately recognized.

Pov ???

Zenix and I were patrolling the woods when he had spotted someone, a girl, the girl had also noticed us so I ordered zenix to come with me to talk to her but he had already slipped away before I could stop him. The girl had noticed where I was hiding and she had grabbed a bow and arrow. I silently sneaked away but then heard that zenix was attacking her, I watched to see how it would go but when I noticed the blood on her right hand when she tried to grab her sword that wasn't there, I then decided to just knock her out because there was more going on her then I thought.
After I had scolded zenix for not listening to me I had grabbed the girl and zenix had grabbed her bow and her arrow case and we then headed back to Phoenix Drop.

Pov Mira

I woke up in a bed and I noticed that there was a bandage around my head. I sat up and looked to see if there was someone here, there wasn't, good. I silently got out of the bed and sneaked to the stairs. I could hear voices downstairs so the stairs weren't a option, next, the window. I walked to the window and silently opened it and looked out. I was about climb out of the window when someone came upstairs. I recognized the man who had attacked me. "Oh no you won't get away that easily!" He said angrily. I just hopped out of the window and landed perfectly on my feet. I immediately began running. I really didn't know where to run to so I just ran towards the forest hoping I would make it. I had noticed multiple people chasing me but I just ignored them and kept running. I had almost reached the forest when someone jump to me from my right. I wasn't able to dodge him since I had stumbled to the ground i got up as fast as i cloud and put my arms infront of my head to protect it, but someone had jumped in between us because I heard swords clashing. I opened my eyes and put my hands on the ground. I saw that someone had stopped him and scolded him for attacking. The dude that had just attack me again, walked away angrily. The other person turned around while putting his sword away. When he had turned around I immediately recognized him because of his eyes even though he probably wouldn't know me. "Why did you run?" He asked while helping me up. "Because you both attacked me in the forest and the other guy tried to attack me again when he saw I tried to escape" I said trying to stay calm. "Alright you have a point there.. can we, just, talk further inside?" He said. "Sure" I just simply said. We walked back to the house I woke up in. Once inside he had gestured that I could sit down at the table and I gladly did. He had kindly made some tea for me. "Thank you for the tea" I said with a smile. "No problem, first let me introduce myself, my name is garroth and I'm the headguard of this village" garroth said. "My name is Mirabella but please, just call me mira" I said with a smile. "Alright, so uhm mira what exactly brought you to our woods?" Garroth then asked. "Nothing really special I was just roaming around and I had exactly wanted to stock up on for food here so I would be able to continue roaming" I answered his question. "Everyone from around here knows that we don't exactly had merchants" garroth said. "Well I'm not really from around I just roam through the forests and hope there are villages where I can restock food" I reply at him. He had a suspicious look in his eyes, he officially didn't trust me. "Then how did you get that wound on your head?" He asked with a hint of frustration in his voice. I look to my tea cup that was almost empty while ignoring his question. "How did you get the wound?!" Garroth said really frustrated. "I don't know Alright!" I said frustrated and kinda sad. I had just barely seen the look of guilt in garroths eyes before I had looked back to my tea. "I'm sorry" he said "can I ask why and how you don't know?" He asked gently not wanting to hurt my feelings. "I just don't know, it like, a mini amnesia. I can't recall anything about having a battle that caused me to have a wound on my head" I said with a depressed voice. "Just rest for now and we can try to figure out later what happened" garroth said in a calm voice. "Alright" I said while getting up. "You can use the bed upstairs" he said. "Will the owner of the house not mind that?" I asked. "no I don't mind it, since this is my house" garroth said while slightly chuckling which made me blush out of embarrassment"oh" I said before going upstairs to go and try to get some sleep.

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