2. lost memories

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Pov mira

I woke up and looked around not immediately realizing where I was, and then I remembered what took place yesterday. I got out of bed and stretched my arms. I started walking to the stairs but stopped when I heard people talking. '' First that Aphmau girl shows up and now her, I don't trust them!'' I hear that guy that attacked me yell downstairs. '' What if they are working together to destroy us and the village?!'' he yelled. ''Zenix you need to stop yelling!'' Garroth said angrily. I knew it wasn't smart for me to go downstairs right now but I just wanted to speak my mind to that Zenix guy. I walked downstairs as quietly as i could. ''you know that i can hear you right? and you don't have a good reason to not trust me, I'm the one that shouldn't trust you because you attacked me'' I said slightly frustrated before walking outside. I just started walking around the village and stopped by their farmlands. Even though the farmlands looked bad I still enjoyed being there just because of all the nice memories I had had with my mother at the farmlands of my home. '' I'm sorry you had to hear that'' Garroth said to me. ''Geez! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!'' I yelled while trying to calm myself again. ''sorry I thought that you noticed me coming up to you'' Garroth said while apologizing. '' Its alright you just caught me off-guard'' I said back '' I was just thinking about alot'' '' Is something wrong then?'' garroth asked. ''uhh, oh no, I was just thinking about some nice memories I have thats all'' I said not wanting to worry him. '' Alright, but about what Zenix said'' Garroth said but before he could continue I cut him of. '' No its alright he does have a point'' I said '' I know i kinda look like a bandit and I didn't help myself by roaming the forest alone'' I said '' but he still attacked you without asking who you are and what you where doing'' garroth said. I just looked down not knowing how to reply. ''I need to go'' I said. ''Why? Why do you need to go?'' garroth asked confused. '' Because I need to find out who attacked me'' I simply said. ''we can help you with that'' Garroth said. '' No I need to find out myself'' I said '' Thank you for caring though'' '' No problem, I hope you find the person who attacked you'' garroth said. '' I think I wil find them'' I said with a smile and then I walked to his house to grab my stuff. I had left the village and was already far into the forest when I shifted into my winged wolf form and started searching for scents. After a few minutes of searching around for scents I found a scent I didn't want to find. ''Zane'' I whispered.

(Yes Mirabella is able to talk in her wolf form)

Pov Garroth

After I had watched Mira leave, I had decided to walk around Phoenix Drop to make sure everthing was alright. Just as I was about to finish my patrolling round I saw something running towards me so I readied my sword but when I noticed that it was some kind of wolf with a white baby wyvern on its back, I was just really confused especially when it started sniffing me like crazy. After knowing that this wolf? wasn't going to attack me I put my sword away. I had decided to just go back home and hope that the wolf wasn't going to kill anything but it just started following me. '' What do you want?'' I asked the wolf not really expecting a reaction. oh was I wrong the wolf started barking and then walk a few steps towards the forest ''do you want me to follow you?'' I asked confused. The wolf then nodded yes and that confused me even more but I did follow the wolf towards where we found Mira. When we where close to the place where we found Mira the wolf started walking away from where we found her and stopped after a few meters by a big tree. '' So you just wanted to show me a tree?'' I said while already turning around but the wolf stopped me by grabbing my arm in its jaw and carefully pulling me back. '' Then what is it?'' I asked kinda frustrated. The wolf replied by barking and then started digging quickly revealing some leather and something that looked like a sword. After helping the wolf dig up the items I was surprised with what they where, a leather bag with alot of herbs, a sword and a leather journal. I grabbed the sword and looked it over and then found the name 'Mirabella The Winged' carved into it. I put the sword on the ground and grabbed the journal and opened it at the bookmark.

'Day 38 '

'even though Jay and Snow are with me I am scared that who ever is following me is trying to set traps for Jay and Snow so they can get to me I know Jay knows that somethings up but I don't want Snow to get scared so Jay and I are trying to keep Snow happy by pretending nothings wrong but I am afraid that I will break Snow's trust for me with this I hop...... There is something hiding in the trees.'

'May the moon be with us'

Pov Garroth

''So you where being followed by someone?'' I asked Jay the wolf. Jay nodded yes. ''But why?'' I asked Jay. Jay then grabbed the baby wyvern apperently named Snow from his back and then I noticed a necklace with a majestic glowing gem on Snow body. '' Did she ask you to protect it?'' I asked. Jay nodded yes but he still looked sad which was very noticeble '' Whats wrong?'' I asked but I didn't really get a reply. I took Mira's stuff, Jay and Snow back to Phoenix Drop with me.

 I took Mira's stuff, Jay and Snow back to Phoenix Drop with me

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