chapter 3

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TW//mentions of past abuse/ anxiety_panic attacks/ homophobic-ish mentions/ substance abuse/ ED mentions/ (please let me know if i missed anything, theres allot here and i dont want to trigger anyone :)

After philza had gotten back, he'd started to clean the would from wilbur running into the wall, then ran a warm wash rag over the bruise, not expecting to see that it had already been dilluted of colour by makeup, seeing how dark the bruise really was while wilbur was sitting still, scrolling through instagram on his phone. All philza did was pause before continuing to treat it. He truly worried for the boy they'd brought into the home, not scared of him by any means, but scared of what had happened to him. He'd only skimmed through the files, learning he'd been in 7 homes brior, all ending badly. He let this slip his mind for now ah he finished cleaning the wounds, watching wilbur smile at his phone.

"There you go, just try to keep the covered, ok?" Philza asked and wil answered, rather quickly after.

"Yeah, thank you," he said, offering philza a short smile.

"No problem kid, you dont have any more do you?" He asked, seeing slight panic grow in the teenage boy's eyes then qatching him answer.

"No-! That would be it." He stood up quickly, thanking philza once more before quickly walking toward his room.

".... You dont buy that, do you?" Techno asked, from the other couch, to all he saw Phil sigh and shake his head.

Meanwhile wilbur had sat angainst his door, cursing himself for his insta-panic. He grumbled to himself before looking around his room to see if there was a book in there he hadnt read, soon not finding one so simply grabbing his art of war one and looking into it. He'd read all of it already quite a few times but hey, couldn't hurt to look into it again, could it? Through the middle of the 1st quarter, someone opened the door, making him look up, shutting his book slightly setting techno.

"Hey wilbur, im just coming to check-... Did you take that.. From my room?" he askee, not really seeming made tho more so confused on why or when it wouldv'e happened.

Willburs eyebrow raised confusedly, "um... No. I brought it- it's the art of war, i honestly wouldnt take you as the type to read-" he got cut off by a smiling techno who turned walking away.

"DAD HE HAS ART OF WAR! YOU GOT ANOTHER ANARCHIST!" A yell from an annoyed tommy came fron the kitchen.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Tommy yelled.

Philza sighed and walked to the hall, "why are you all yelling..? Something about arson-? No, anarchy?" He asked, rubbing his tired eyes with one hand.

"He has art of war!" Techno said excitedly.

"Its a book of strategy..." Wilbur muttered before sighing then eyes lighting up, "do you have any other books-?" He asked towards techno who hummed then nodded.

"Yeah, why? Need something new to read?" He asked making wilbur nod slowly.

"I've read this like, 7 times by now- please." He said and techno nodded, raising a finger as in to wait a second then ran off.

Philza chuckled then saw tommy run down the hall, "-do you like minecraft or are you just a book nerd like techno?"

Philza snickered while techno retorted from the other end of the hallway, "hey! I like minecraft!"

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