Chapter 27

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The journey was going to be long and finding out the necklace they thought was real was fake was just an annoying extra work. Now they had to blend in at the Ministry to do some searching.

"Alright Harry, Ron, and I will go in. You two meet us at here. And dont be seen." Hermione says handing Jade a piece of paper.

As the three left Jade and her brother had flashed to the spot where they were to meet the others. As they waited Jughead was alittle concerned for his sister. For her life after this he wondered what path she would take.

"With everything thats happened and when it all ends will you go back to Malfoy?" Jughead asks.

"I dont know Jug. You didnt see what I saw. Yes they are on the Dark Lord's side, but the fear they had... You can tell they dont want to be apart of this, but are in to deep to quit." Jade says.

"Jade are you sure? That could of been you just believing they were still who they used to be." Jughead says.

"Jug I dont want to talk about this. Im here arent I?" Jade questions.

"When it comes down to it will you fight or kill any of them?" Jughead asks.

"No. I would never want them to be hurt. Now stop with these questions." Jade says.

Things got quiet for awhile Jughead was still worried about it though. He then noticed his sister holding her left wrist in pain, but when he wanted to talk about it the three others showed up.

And unfortunately Ron was injured. Luckily Hermione had a way of healing him, but that meant they werent able to travel the faster way anymore.

"Alright we need to rest her today. Jade, we will be headed to this place tomorrow morning. Go alert the order that Ron has been hurt." Hermione says.

"Will do." Jade says.

Jade then flashed away arriving at the burrow pretty quickly.

"Jade dear already? You guys left what.. Two maybe three days ago. Is everything alright?" Molly asks.

"Well lets see the locket was a fake and Ron has just been hurt pretty badly." Jade says.

"Please dont tell me he's gonna..." Molly says.

"God no. He just got.. You know I not really sure what Hermione called it. But he'll live. It will just make things alittle harder to travel, but he'll be okay." Jade says.

"Well... Im gonna make a care package for you to bring to the others." Molly says walking into the kitchen.

"Are the others alright?" Sirius asks.

"Yes. Everyone is fine, but Harry says to be careful. When you say the Dark Lord's name. His Death Eaters attack." Jade says.

"Well its a good thing its a stupid name." Fred says.

It was the next morning and Jade had to go. But first she had a stop to make.

"I dont have much time." Jade says.

"Then be quick." Lucius says.

"This is where Harry is headed." Jade says handing him a note.

"Since Ron was hurt we can flash from place to place. So its walking thats all I have right now." Jade says.

"Are you sure?" Lucius asks.

"Yeah. God I gotta go." Jade says and flashed out.

"Thank god your back we were beginning to worry." Hermione says.

"Sorry. Mrs.Weasley wanted to give a care package." Jade says.

"Good ole mum." Ron says.

They were again on their way and things were long the next month there wasnt many things to report. Another month down and still noting. And then another. Three months down and Jade was growing tired of bouncing around.

"Jade maybe I should..."Jughead says.

"No I got it. I promised I would also talk with Dumbledore this time." Jade says.

Jade flashed away and this time she went to Malfoy Manor first.

"Oh she's here. Now you can talk to the whole Death Eaters." Voldemort says opening the door.

"Ohh, but..." Jade says.

"No buts. Come on." Voldemort says.

"Why did you answer?" Jade asks as they headed to the dining room.

"Because I wanted to see if you'd make an appearance." Voldemort says.

But as they entered the dining room he opened the door he then shoved her in an held his wand to her.

"So you think I wouldnt catch on did you?" Voldemort asks.

"What? What do you mean?" Jade asks.

"Harry Potter got into the Ministry and stole a horcrux did he not?" Voldemort questions.

"Hey I told you that and that he is looking for a way to destroy it." Jade says.

"Then why arent you and him there where you say you will be?" Voldemort asks.

"I told you she is a traitor just like her father. Kill her my lord or better yet let me." Bellatrix says.

Voldemort looked over at her and smiled before looking back at Jade. He was ready to say the killing curse when Jade spoke up.

"Go ahead kill me. See if I care, but I havent told you a lie about anything. Harry thinks there are followers in the woods." Jade says as she walked closer to him.

"He says where we are going to me to tell the others and then I tell you. But he then changes patters believing he is being hunted. Well he is, but he thinks someone could hear what he is going so he changes. I never truly know where we are headed. He always changes it and says follow me." Jade says now with his wand at her throat.

"So kill me for not know the true whereabouts of Harry Potter if you must." Jade says.

Jade stood her ground with another lie to the Dark Lord. As this was occurring Draco had to watch as his girl who was practically asking to be killed.

"So come on Dark Lord do it." Jade says.

Jade again has stood her ground to him and he again was impressed by her. He lowered his wand and gave her a smile.

"You better be on your way dear. Harry Potter is probably waiting for you." Voldemort says.

"Okay, I'll be on my way." Jade says.

She walked out of the dining room and then headed out of the Manor.

"Love! Wait!" Draco yells chasing after her.

"Now is not the time Draco. I have to go." Jade says.

"I know Love, stay." Draco says.

"I cant you know that." Jade says.

"We can run away and get far away from here. I dont like you doing this. I know it hurts you. Please lets just run away." Draco says.

"Oh Dray. I'd love nothing more then to run away with you and be together without the idea of war. But we both know he will take it out on your parents and we cant do that to them. You know what when this is all over we will be able to be together." Jade says.

She kissed him and she then pulled away. She kissed his hand before leaving back to Harry and the others. Both unknowing that they would see each other again very soon.

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