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The nostalgia of a person seems to do great things to one's mind.

Each memory is brought back and can come crashing down over her. She remembered every slight thing about that person, from their unique coloured eyes to the faint scent of them still lingering in the climate surrounding her. nine times out of ten, it would hurt like hell to forget about that person and brush it off.

But that one time, she would have to take a minute to sit and think that, that person is gone from her life for what could seem like forever.

The thought drove her crazy, it made her do crazy things. She dreamt about him and even had nightmares relevant to him.


All is dark. In a substantial room it seems, coaxed in what could be the darkest of winter nights.

Nothing showed to indicate, the direction in which she had faced, the time of her presence, or even her reason for being where she had laid.

In this particular kind of environment, she is prone to go insane. Her forehead had become drenched in her sweat, as her beady eyes continuously flittered from that one simple shade, to again that boring sheet of darkness. The only clear distinction from the shade of black being the fairness on her skin, greatly contrasting against the room like the darkest of reds splattered against snow.

Slowly, becoming aware of her uncanny surroundings, her tensed limbs began to ease, as they slowly referred back to their original positions. It was like they had gained sudden feeling from the spell of numbness that had been cast upon them.

Gradually, her arms had shifted, then legs, and it was only then that she had felt, tightly wrapped around her slender waist, the recognisable grip of his arms.

Just as she had moved to sit up and tilt her head toward her only form of comfort, that had laid against the white sheets in which she had laid, the source beneath her disappeared, a strong gush of endless water followed it, then he vanished into the surrounding air. 

She too fell, at the pace of raindrop, sliding against a window, she fell, the air dense: sharp and sickening as she struggled to breathe it. Her heart struggled to beat at a fair pace any longer.

A passionate breath of air fell from her plump lips, limiting the small oxygen she had circulating inside of her left. She continued to plummet so gracefully into that endless cloud of nothingness.

Her long hair, even longer than usual, pillowed around her face like an endless cascade, similar to the emotions she tried, oh so hard to hide.

The blunt darkness swallowed both, her dainty body and her hazy vision.

Just when she had thought, the sickening nightmare she called her life for so long, would be over, unexpected flashes emerged from each corner. Those overlapping and manipulating voices telling her how to stance, pose and smile filled her ears as those God awful glinting and flashing cameras engulfed her vision. Each sense of her body became overwhelmed in trepidation as they successfully captivated her worst fear.

Losing him, again and those sacred red velvet carpets taunting the nerves she had whelved deep within her.

A breakdown of irrational anxiety and suppressed emotions, spilt out of her almost painfully, like crimson red against the finest ivory silk.

JUVENESCENCE | Fillie.Where stories live. Discover now