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Oh, that grand state or period of being young. Keep it while it lasts. Grip it tightly, like how a father carries his newborn, as if afraid to drop the heavenly child. Cradle it like it has emotions and engrave that memory in your mind. Sooner or later, you will be nearing adulthood and will be stuck, on a thin balancing line; in which one side marks sanity, the other, death.

In this arid landfill, we call our home, Earth: joy never lasts for too long, so take advantage of it while you still can.

Millie Bobby Brown had not exactly thought that through you see, she had dismissed her childhood and left memories loose on the dance floor, as she reassuringly told herself she was not a complete adult just yet.

At the time that had not been much of a lie, but when your life moves quickly before your eyes in a thrilling montage of fashion shows, exciting projects and new productions to film: all was forgotten and three hundred and sixty-five days went by rather rapidly, then another, and another.

The poor girl, or should rather be said, the poor woman was now Twenty-two at the nadir of adulthood and it was safe to say, she constantly struggled to wrap around her head, the idea of how fast the past three years had flown by, so unnoticeably quick.

The thought was unfathomable, like when you think way too hard about who created God and then who created the creator of God and so on...

If Millie honestly could take anything back within her life, it would be to go back to her childhood. In these times, her fame was not her most prized possession, she simply got on with her set tasks, making people happy, becoming their daily dose of serotonin. It was now rather about, impressing people: showing people that she was still the superstar she had always been portrayed as.

For Millie, this repetitive endless cycle that simply had become boring with time: was now nothing more than an act of dragging herself out of bed every day, upon lack of motivation as a swelling sense of isolation, engulfed her dainty body.

Everything around her had swallowed her whole, daily. The world, the real world, was an alarming place inhabiting people she did not even want to think about. People who had told her horrible things, simply because: She had gained a pound or two, which was strictly against many of the modelling agencies she worked for, people who had told her, from the young age of thirteen, that she acted way too big for her boots and people who told her she was appallingly unattractive and was nothing more without her fame.

She loathed it, loathed it all: this life, the continuous hamster wheel she was stuck on. But, what she thought did not at all matter. she only had to do her job of sitting still and looking pretty for the camera, it was all she was good for.

Currently, Millie lay awake in the early hours of the cold Atlantic morning.

Her mind wavering unstably upon cascading thoughts in which were crowding her mind.

Her breath left her lips in a steady rhythm as she distracted herself by listening to the mix of distant cars and the soft snores resounding in her ear from her boyfriend beside her.

She simply smiled shaking her head, before rolling over to the edge of soft the mattress, swinging her legs onto the floor, to put on her slippers.

She walked over to the door that led to her balcony, picking up her cigarette packet and lighter she had earlier placed on the table, whilst fighting against the cold vibrations that had shot through her legs, upon leaving the warm cover that had protected her limbs from the lingering chill.

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