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A new day. All is bright and each street below held the same buzzing sound of busy pedestrians simply accomplishing their daily tasks.

Within the bustling capital, some may have talked, some may have exercised, some may have drunk a simple coffee, whilst the majority may have gossiped.

Each word would have fallen from their lips like a heavy rainstorm, so tempted to drench its next victim in a cascade of deplorable insults.

They gained Insight: collected fuel, from each crevice of the internet to the tea-stained pages of newspapers and magazines. Yet still, a large sum of the opinions spoken was stolen and unjustified.

That's just the way in which gossiper's operated.

Above the congestion, their next victim: Finn Wolfhard had begun to stir awake.

His abnormally long limbs were splayed across his mattress and the arm he had tucked around Iris, gently shifted away allowing her head, which had moved with his chest, to fall to the soft pillows.

He groaned as he heard his phone chiming continually, with many missed calls, texts and emails:


Mom: hey Finn, call ASAP!

Quincy: dude, finally back from the dead?

Peter Dean: 25 MISSED CALLS 📞

Email: Peter.e.dean@gmail.com

He decided for the time being to ignore all the strange texts he had received, except the ones from his agent.

Wearily, he squinted his eyes in utter confusion before calling the number.

The phone barely rang before a distressed voice soon resounded from the other side: almost shattering his eardrums with a singular sentence.

The gentle morning daze that had tightly held the boy almost immediately loosened, as the voice of his agent hammered like a heavy base, within his eardrums.

"What...Peter, what are you talking about ?" Finn responded, more confused than he had ever been in what he thought was his whole life.

"FINN! Do not play dumb, this is serious, your life is in danger !"
The agent responded. He swore, he could have given Finn a knock on the head to regenerate the common sense he knew he had stored inside.

"Peter, I swear I am not playing dumb. I promise I have not an absolute fucking clue about what you are saying!" Finn responded in an exasperated tone, as he sat up slowly and brought his hand to his pounding head.

"Finn, are you serious ?"
Spoke to the agent, equally as exasperated.

"Yes, For goodness sake, I am serious Peter !" Finn was getting tired, his bad temper had begun to leak through the facade he had shielded himself with, emitting fatal vibes, like Beta radiation.

Peter took a breath on the other side of the phone, sending a small crackling sound through the device. "Finn, you posted last night..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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