Part 16

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Yoongis POV

We pulled into the driveway to my house and us three got out of the car and went inside.

"Yoongi. Kitchen. Now. " Jimin said demandingly and I was confused but none the less listened.

He followed me to the kitchen as Wooyoung ran off to Woozis room.

"Eomma" Jimin said and both mom and Ani turned to us and then smiled.

"Which one" Eomma said.

"Either or, do you have rubbing alcohol and a first aid kit" He asked and Ani nodded, reaching under the sink and grabbing the things he asked for before handing them to him.

He forced me to sit down and them pulled a chair closer to me. He took my hand and placed it on his thigh to have better access to it and I smirked.

"If you-"

"Yoongi for God's sake your mother is in here and I'm literally only trying to help you" he snapped and I chuckled.

"What happened" Ani asked.

"Someone got in a fight only because the guy simply touched me" Jimin teased.

"Hey... No one touches what's mine" I pouted, leaning my forehead on his shoulder.

"Says the straight guy" he smirked and i sat up.

"Fuck off" i snapped and he giggled.

He cleaned up my hand and then I stood up, pulling Jimin with me.

"Ani please take care of Wooyoung, we are going to go to the mall so we can get some clothes for the party tomorrow night" I said and they both nodded.

I grabbed Jimins hand and pulled him outside and to his car. We got in and headed to the mall though I decided to tease him a bit by putting my hand on his thigh... His thick... Muscular... Milky.... Dammit Yoongi stop you going to get a boner.


"Hyungie look" Jimin said, showing me a crop top, it was baby blue and would look so good with his skin tone.

"That's pretty, you should get it" I said and he sighed.

"But the theme" he pouted.

"Doesn't mean you have to wear that to the party" I said and he shrugged, he examined it.

"I'm okay... It's short sleeve" He said softly before putting it back.

Why did the sleeves matter, wait... I've never seen him in short sleeves.. Ever only long sleeve... But why? He doesn't... No he wouldn't.

"Well look at this" I said showing him a black off the shoulder long sleeve crop top, it looked more of his style.

"Oh it's so pretty" He squealed and I smiled at him, he was adorable.

"C-can I get the Hyungie?" he asked and I nodded without a second thought.

"Of course" I said happily "now lets find a cute skirt and some shoes yea? And maybe some jewelry?" I said and he nodded rapidly.

I held the crop top as he skipped to the rack of skirts. I followed him and immediately pulled out a normal black skirt.

"Jiminie look" I said and he looked at the skirt and squealed.

"That would be so pretty together" he pretty much shouted and I smiled.

He waddled to the shoes and after about 8 minutes he grabbed a pair, they were black velvet heals with a buckle strap around the ankle.

"Now to Hot Topic" I said and so we went.

He found a black choker, some dangly earrings and some rings.

"Can I get this too" He asked shyly, holding up black thigh socks. I nodded and he smiled.

I got a black visionar shirt that had weird grids and a couple hand on it, with black ripped skinny jeans and a black belt. I got a long white jacket that goes about mid thigh.

"What about your shoes Hyungie" Jimin asked and I smiled at him like I always do.

"I have some combat boots at home" I said and he nodded.

I grabbed some rings and stuff when an idea popped into my head.

"Jiminie" I said he hummed in response "do you want to get your nails done to match your outfit" I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.

After paying we went to the nail spa place and he got black almond shaped nails.. Whatever that means.

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