Part 38

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Yoongis POV

"Yoongi-ah" I heard a voice say and my eyes fluttered open seeing my brother standing over me smiling sadly.

I only groaned not really wanting to get up.

"Aish boy you look like shit" Jordan said and pulled the blanket off me and I groaned reaching for the blanket,  wanting to feel the warmth again.

"Get up,  you can not go get your man's back like this" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit up.

"I don't wanna" I groaned.

"You don't want Jimin back?!" Jordan yelled.

"I..  I do.. I just don't wanna get up" I said sadly and he sighed.

"Go take a shower and put in something nice,  your going to school.  It was acceptable of you not to go when he was here but now you have to go have missed to many days now you need to get your little butt up and go get ready" he growled and I scoffed.

Honestly I don't like Jin cause I already have one of my own.

I groaned yet again and got up,  heading to the bathroom.  There was no point in fighting with anymore I knew I wasn't going to win.

I took off my sweatpants and underwear,  I wasn't wearing a shirt.

I got in the shower letting the warm water run down my body.  I sighed,  not looking forward to seeing the boy I was so much in love with.

I thought about the first time we showered together...  The night of the party...  I can't count how many times we've had sex in this exact spot.

I sighed pouring shampoo on my hand and running my fingers through my hair.


After getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back to my room.

I went through my entire closet trying to find something to nice to wear,  something that would Jimins attention.

I sighed grabbing my phone and checking the time.

"JORDAN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WAKE ME UP SO EARLY" I yelled,  it was just now 7 am and school starts at 9 am.

He smiled walking through the door

"I knew you wouldn't know what to wear cause you want to impress Jimin...  Plus I'm dying your hair before you leave" he said folding his arms over his chest.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Now put some clothes on so I can die your hair" he said walking out.

I groaned for the thousandth time today and threw on some random clothes that I didn't care about so I wouldn't get anything on the clothes I liked.


I sighed looking in the mirror,  running my hands through my bleached hair.

"Ahh you look great" Jordan squealed and I rolled my eyes. "Lose the attitude" he said smacking the back of my head.  "Now go find something to wear"

He left again and I went to me closet yet again.

After what felt like forever I finally found something.

I grabbed my bag and trotted down the stairs

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I grabbed my bag and trotted down the stairs.

"You look nice" Jennie said softly,  she was taking to me like I was fragile...  Like if she said one wrong thing I'd break...  She was right.

I nodded towards her and sighed.

"we should go" Jordan said standing up and waking towards the door.

Once we got to school he parked in the parking lot and I sighed looking at this school, I dreaded going in.

"You got this" Jordan said I encouragingly and I sighed nodding,  trying to convince myself I really did.

I got out of the car,  taking in a deep breath before shutting the car door.

I tried to put my anxiety aside as I walked through the door.  Everyone immediately looked at me but that wasn't new,  being in a openly gay relationship with a femboy does that.

I sighed clutching the straps to my back pack and heading to my first hour class.

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