Part 41

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Jimins POV

I took a deep breath walking  into school the next day.  Everyone was looking at me in disgust.

I'm just gonna...  Blend in...  After today all I'm doing is getting my school work so I can leave here.  The only people I'll be talking to is the boys but not in front of anyone.

I was wearing something alot more... Masculine and casual so I wouldn't get to much attention.  But my hair was still baby pink,  their goes my masculinity.

I went into my first hour class trying to ignore the stares.  I sat down at my desk and looked up seeing the teacher giving me a disgusted look.

"Jimin" She scolded "Your late"

"I know...  I'm sorry ma'am it's just...  My..  My baby brother wasn't feeling well and I had to find someone to-" I was cut off,  though my voice was the voice I was born with,  deep.

"I did not ask for an excuse" she scoffed and began the lesson.

I sat at the back of the lunch room mot wanting to be seen and a guy walked to me.

"Tryna let me hit? I mean yo fine ass is a slut so uhh I don't expect a no from a  lil twink boy like you" he smirked and his friends laughed.

"Fuck off" I snapped,  standing up to walk away but he stopped me,  pinning  me against the wall by my throat.

"First you don't walk away when I'm talkin' to you,  second you shouldn't use that tone when you speak to me boy" I rolled my eyes and tried to wiggle out of his grasp but it was no use.

"Lil fuckin twink...  I know ain't nobody else wanna fuck you with those stretch marks on yo thighs and shit. "

My small fists balled up,  I wanted to hit him so badly.

"Aww am I makin you upset? You gonna run away and tell daddy Yoongi that somebody's trying to fuck his bitch? Cause that's all you are...  Is a little bitch who needs to be owned by someone...  A little bitch that's only good for getting fucked."

That's kinda hot...  No do not get hard eight now of all times...  But thinking about Yoongi saying that...  Fuck...  Okay but he doesn't mean it like that he's just being an asshole I can do this.

"Ya know what? Your right...  I'm a little bitch who needs to be owned by daddy" I smirked and the guy looked kind of shocked before returning that smirk to his face.

"That's my good little boy" he pulled his hand off my throat finally and i took a deep breath before stepping forward and putting all my weight into one punch that was left to the left side of his face.  He stumbled so I did it again.

"Yea...  I may belong to daddy..  But you ain't him" I snapped and walked away seeing Yoongi standing there with a smirk on his face and a bulge evident in his pants.

"So whose your daddy huh?" his voice was deep and raspy.  My cheeks immediately went crimson red.

"U-i-uhh" I suddenly couldn't speak under his intense gaze.

"You were acting all tough a second ago what happened to that huh?" Yoongi stepped forward and I subconsciously took one back.

"I-im sorry" I mumbled.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked slightly and honestly I don't know why I am.

"I-i don't know" I looked down and I heard his steps getting closer.

His dominant aura was radiating and it was fucking hot. I squeezed my thighs together taking a deep breath,  I was not hard right now.

"Awe little boys hard...  I bet it was hard for you to keep you composure the way he was speaking to you...  I bet you want me to speak to you like that huh?" he knows me so well and God was he hot as fuck.

I took breath looking up at him.

I tried to speak but I couldn't speak all I could do was whimper out one single word that seemed to answer all Yoongis questions.


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