You and me together is more than chemistry

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"That's what I thought too" I say sliding onto the piano.

"So?" Reggie says eagerly.

"We haven't talked about it. I tried to touch her after du and my hand went through her shoulder"

"Oh" They both say.

"Exactly" I say jumping off again "I'm just gonna hurt her more. Guys, I think I love her and not love her like my best friend"

"WE KNEW IT!!" They both yell, jumping up pland down.

"Y'all are insane, you know that" I say with a chuckle.

"The screaming seems to have stopped" Alex points out sitting beside me. We stay silent for a moment, listening to make sure.

"I'll go check on her" I say pushing myself up.

"Sure you will" Reggie says and they both laugh. I roll my eyes and poof myself into Julie's room. My attention is turned to Julie on her phone, she looks happy?


"Oh hey Luke" she says smiling. I give her a concerned look.

"Everything is fine" she walks over to me "I told my dad I joined a band and he's so happy"

"That's great Julie!"

"Was that all?" She ask.

"Yep, I mean yeah. I should go I guess"

"Yeah I guess" we both agree but we also don't move. I look her and she blushes, that makes me bite lip. She looks so so pretty when she blushes or breaths for that matter.

"Hey guys" Reggie says poking his head through her door.

"Reggie!" She says walking over to him "come on in, you too Alex"

"How did you know I was there?" He ask coming out from behind Reggie.

"I have my ways" She giggles. Her giggles is AMAZING. Is there anything I hate about her?

"LWhat was going on in here?" Reggie ask throwing himself onto lher bed.

"Nothing, just talking"

"Y'all are boringgggggg" Reggie whines.

"Once again, I'm sorry for Reginald. He's like a child trapped in a teenager" Alex says. Julie smiles and shakes her head.

"Y'all wanna watch a movie?"

"Could we watch Star Wars?" Reggie ask jumping up.

"Why not" Julie says with a smile. She goes downstairs and we follow her.

Julie's POV:
We all sit down. Me and Luke sit on the couch. Alex and Reggie sit in chairs opposite from eachother.

"So where are we gonna start?"

"How about with the 1st one, duh?" Reggie says. I laugh and turn it on. Luke throws a arm above me, resting on the couch. I lean into him and I can feel him. I smile, laying down in his lap. He takes motif runs and twirls a piece of my hair. We spend the rest of the night like that.

3 am

Luke's POV:
I wake up to Julie tossing and turning in my lap. I look at her face and she's crying.
" Jules" I whisper to her, shaking her slightly. Her eyes open up and she sits up. She hugs me tightly.

"What happened?" I whisper into her ear. She is still shaking. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room. I sit down on her bed, she's still curled in my arms.

"Jules, are you okay?" She opens her eyes and nods.

"I just had a bad dream is all"

"Tell me what happened"

"I see her face all the time, I relive the last interaction with her. Over and over, there so much I wanted to say but I didn't"

"Julie, I'm so sorry"

"I'm just happy your here, Luke" she says holding onto me again. I move back to headboard and pull the blanket around us. Julie falls right asleep.

The next morning
Julie's POV:
The next morning I wake up in Luke's arm. I look up at him, he has a pillow propped us against the frame and is asleep.

"Luke, wake up" I whisper, leaning close to him. His eyes open and he turns to me. Our faces are only inches away.

"We should get the guys" I say and he nods pulling back. He jumps up and runs downstairs. I giggle to myself and I go down behind him.

"WAKE UP BOYS" he yells. Alex and Reggie both scream out of fear. Me and Luke both burst out laughing.

"What's wrong with you people?" Alex snips.

"Someone's angry when they wake up"

"Always" Alex says rolling his eyes and pulling up his blanket.

"GET UP" Reggie says attacking him. Julie keeps laughing. I smile at her laugh, it's so sweet.

"Fine fine" Alex says pushing off Reggie.

"Let's go practice" Julie says, running out of the house. We all follow her. We reach the doorway and Julie gasp. We look down and our arms are fading.

"What's happening?" Reggie ask. I start to feel weaker and fall to the floor.

"This isn't good" Alex says, we all turn our attention to him.

"What's happening Alex?" Julie ask.

"Well I meet a ghost friend and we was telling me everything. The reason we became ghost was because we have unfinished business, when we start fading. It's taking power away, like our soul is chipping away"

"What happens when the power goes out?"

"We're gone forever" Alex says gulping nervously.

"Gone?" I ask "that's no- there has the be another way"

"There is, we can finish what we are supposed to and crossover"

"Crossover?" Julie ask from behind us, tears in her eyes.

"Yeah" Alex says, his voice small.

"That- that's just great" she says running out.

"Guys, we gotta find another way" Reggie says. Then we get hit with a jolt.

"And quick" Alex says clutching in pain.

A/n: cliffhanger, oop lol. I hope y'all enjoyed this part♥️ as always, thank you for reading and I love y'all!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: which JATP actress/actor  is your favorite?

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