Time Has Come

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• Third Person •

A week before that happening, the group can be seen sitting around a table, their manager along with them inside Haruma's apartment. All four of them intently kept their eyes glued at the blank paper that lies before them, untouched. Their manager, Toshi Hitoke glanced at the younger men with a rather blank face.

To say he was slightly amused that it took them almost an hour arguing about what should be written on the paper AND after that long period of time, no one has yet to take it and suggest even just a word. He sighed, shaking his head, about to take take the paper when Haruma's piercing stare made him retrieve his hand.

'Seriously, if you're not planning on writing something at least let me suggest something.'

The elder man shuddered under his burning gaze before chuckling to himself. After another good three minutes, Aotsuki finally grabbed the paper and took out a pen before writing something, Toshi being beside him peaked and raised a brow at the college student.

"Sky? Why'd you choose sky?" He asked but only received a shrug before setting the paper and pen down.

"Come on, we can't stay silent like idiots for the whole day. I know I wrote it on impulse but it's better than writing nothing at all. The rest of you write something that comes in your mind then write your name beside it, you do that too Toshi-san." Aotsuki pointed at the man beside him who, in shock, pointed at himself in confusion.

"Then I'll go next." Aito mumbled as he took the paper, Tsukihi went next and Toshi following. Once Toshi finished writing, he gave the paper to Haruma, who was sitting right across him. The boy took in with a sigh and paused for a bit, pen in hand.

"I think he's broken, help the kid Ao-baka." Tsukihi nudged his younger twin who hissed at his older twin and looked at the boy to see him, indeed, in a daze.

"Come on Haruma, we don't have all day-"

"I think I know what our band name will be." Haruma interrupted, gaining the attention of his seniors. He wrote something down before showing it to Aito, who's seated at his left.

"Uwah, it's simple but amazing. I think this is good. Look at this Kihi." Aito beamed as he showed the paper to their leader.

"As much as I love you Aito, stop calling me Kihi 'cause that's so lame." He grunted before reading the encircled word right at the bottom of the paper, eyes slightly wide.

"This is pretty good! You should ask Haruma for a better nickname for me, kid's even better with names than you do." He smirked at the glaring Aito beside him who playfully smacked his arm.

"Then this will be our name, I know Toshi-san won't disagree. It was simple and nice, right Toshi-san." Aotsuki asked the man who raised both his arms.

"I'm fine whatever you guys came up with, it was yours to begin with." The four teenagers smiled to themselves before cheering loudly. Toshi just shook his head, a smile on his face as he let them leave the table and enjoy their remaining time to watch movies on Haruma's Television.

'I mean, seriously, they just went with Haruma's idea. Well, it was a nice name.'


The time has come. Four of them stood in silent, leaning against the wall as they stare at other band in the waiting area. Toshi wasn't with them since he was somewhere fixing things to Kami knows where. Haruma watched closely as Mafuyu held his brother's guitar against his body.

Right now, their band seems to be under pressure. Uenoyama looked like he was saying something to their group that made Mafuyu snap along with the string of the guitar startling Haruma himself, also alerting the three college students beside him.

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