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• Ugetsu •

I woke up, my breathing uneven as cold sweat ran down the side of my face. Bringing my hand to wipe it, my eyes landed on the clock that hang on the wall inside the hotel room before landing on the empty side of the bed.

'The exact same bed Haruma was before.'

Coming to conclusions that this won't go anywhere, I jumped out of bed and prepared my things to return home. Ever since I had let go of Akihiko, my mind starts to clear a bit and talked to him again about Haruma. I'll be honest when I say I miss the guy, but my feelings for Haruma was beyond that.

These days, regret is the only I could feel every time I hear his name, remember his face and recall his voice. I checked my phone and frowned since he still hasn't seen the message I sent him.

'He grew tired of it huh?, It was entirely my fault to begin with.'

Taking my violin case and language with me, I went out the room and to the nearest elevator. I looked at the door one last time before closing the elevator doors. As the elevator reached the ground floor, I quickly exited and went straight to the counter.

"Are you sure about permanently leaving the room, you've used it for long. Won't you use it anymore in the future?" The woman asked in confusion. I gave her a smile as I shake my head no. After finishing it, I immediately went outside and called a cab.

The ride was silent since I don't really like to talk right now. During the ride, my mind wondered we bumped into each other inside a convenience store maybe a day or two after their performance.


I was craving for some snacks and decided to buy some since I'm already out. I checked my phone to see what time it is before heading to the nearest convenience store.

The moment I entered, a familiar face came into view. He stood with three other male, a smile on his face but immediately dropped as our eyes met.

"Why the sudden drop of- oh, Ugetsu! It's been long, how's life doing?" The older twin beamed as he put his arm on my shoulder, bringing me closer to him.

"I guess it's fine, band members?" I asked as my eyes landed on Haruma and the other one who was staring at him in worry.

"Yeah, you've watched us right? I saw you that night so you know their roles, the blondie with the scary expression is Yoshida Haruma and the other one is Kimura Aito, though I think you probably met Haruma but, meh..."

"Aito, Haruma, this is Ugetsu Murata."

"Nice to meet you." Aito greeted, my eyes once again landed on the silent boy who sent a smile my way. I felt hope, my heart beating faster as I waited for his response.

"It's nice to see you again Ugetsu-san, I enjoyed our game back with Akihiko-san." My smile dropped the moment he gave a bow. My mind went blank as I felt a pang in my chest. Ah, of course it will come to this.

'Of course this is how it is...'


The cab stopped near a familiar building since the driver's phone rang, apologising as he checked it.

"Is it okay if I ask you to drop my things at my house?" I asked as I took out some money and wrote my address on a paper, handed it to him before leaving the vehicle with my phone and wallet.

"Eh, but sir I-"

"There's my address. You can just leave it near the door, it only contains my clothes anyways." With that I walked away. I passed the familiar building and into the familiar alley.

"This is where we..." I stared at the corner where we exchanged words with the mysterious boy with him. Shaking my head to hopefully get rid of my thoughts, I walked away from the alley, only to face a familiar face.

"Ah, you're Ugetsu-san right?" He asked as he scratches the back of his head, a male with black and blonde hair behind him, sending me glares.

"Yeah, how's Haruma?" I avoided his piercing gaze and onto the floor as I force a smile on my face. I heard a low growl and a scoff.

"About that, we were actually on our way to him. Would you like to tag along? You deserve to know." I stared at them in confusion as I nodded my head as I trailed behind them. We walked for minuets and halted. Once again, I grew confused as to we they entered.

'Maybe visit a someone before going to Haruma.'

I silently walked behind them as they took turns before finally stopping. I was a bit far from them so I was still walking towards them. The moment the shorter male faced his front, tears left his eyes and into the ground.

I grew awkward with every step I took. I stopped right beside the taller male and followed his gaze. Dread. Dread washed over me the moment my eyes landed on the name before me.

'Yoshida Haruma'

I felt my body tremble as I felt an intense aching from my chest. My breathe came out shaky as I tried covering my mouth.

"You're kidding right? This is a joke. This isn't him... r―right?" My voice stuttered as I wipped my head to them both, only to find them trying to avoid my gaze. My legs gave out as I hit the concrete floor, cheeks wet as tears run down my face while staring at the grave in front of me.

"But why? He... He was... I―I didn't... Why is that― nobody told me?"

"No one really knew you two had a thing aside from me and it wasn't known yet to many aside from family, friends and his band members. I don't know how to contact you so I always go to the alley in hopes of finding you." He muttered, sadness in his voice.

I catch a glimpse of them flinch as I let my voice out, screaming as I clutch my chest, hot tears falling down as I hit the floor beneath me.

"I'm sorry, I―I'm sorry... I'm really sorry Haruma. Haruma! I―I'm sorry. I―I love you.... I love you... Please― P―please... I haven't.. I haven't... I'm― I'm sorry..." I repeatedly whimpered as I continuously clawed my chest. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I continue to repeat those words.

"Please... don't l―eave me like t―this. This isn't real."

The terrible pain in my chest is unbearable that I can't help but hit the concrete. About minuets of constant pleading, my voice got hoarse. Both males on each of my sides, the other one with his hand behind my back.

"Please... don't leave me alone..." That was the last thing I remembered before closing my eyes.


I groaned as I opened my eyes, the lack of light inside the room told me I'm in my house. I touched my cheeks and found them wet as the events came rushing to me. I grabbed some clothes and went to take a bath. Right after finishing my bath and putting on some clothes, I didn't bother drying up my hair and only combed them before grabbing my phone and wallet before heading out.

I don't feel like riding a cab so I just walked. The cemetery might be far, but I'm not in the mood to take a cab right now. While walking, I passed by a flower shop. My eyes landed on the navy blue flower they lays alone.

I bought it before continuing my walk to the cemetery. It took me almost thirty minute before reaching my destination. I kept my eyes on the ground as I make my way to the gate but came to a halt as a familiar voice called out to me.


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