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- Haruma -

I stared at the man in front of me, feeling uncomfortable. Today is Saturday, the day I start my work and the day I'm hanging out with Mafuyu, but I just can't stand still. Why?

"Nakayama Haruki, nice to meet you Haruma-kun!" Haruki-san said with a smile. I tried to keep my composure, but with every second he keeps that smile on, my heating face betrayed all of it.

'I mean, who could not resist such charisma? How does Uenoyama-san handle this?'

"L-likewise Nakayama-san." I bowed slightly, trying to die down the heat on my face.

"J-just Haruki is fine! Let's get to work, shall we?" He nervously chuckled, waving his hands back and forth in front of him before leading the way. I followed him inside, showing me where things should be put, what should be done, and when he'll teach me how to make coffees in case he is not around.

"Heh... Was it because of your band or your girlfriend?" I teased, pink spreading all over his face.

"It's because of the band, of course!" He protests, his cheeks still tinted pink. Finally, he handed me a button up long sleeves and a black apron.

"That's what you'll wear during your time here. Make sure to never forget it."

"O-okay." With that I proceed with the work I was assigned to. Customer after customer, I collect their cups before putting them into the sink before washing them. I also sweep the floors and mop them, making sure everything is clean. Time passed by fast, it was now lunch time.

"Haruma-kun." I heard Haruki-san call out to me from behind. I turned his way, waiting for his next words.

"Let's eat together." He said with a closed eye smile, once again, I feel my face getting warmer the longer I look at his smiling face.

"Okay..." I averted my eyes from his face, embarrassed by the actions I've portrayed in front of the older man before me.

'And he happened to be that type of guy! What luck.'

We finish everything up before other workers came in and headed to our perspective lockers of some sort, changing from the white uniform to our casual clothes.

I finished before him, who was taking his time to change due to his long honey blonde hair. I watch him as he changes clothes, his amber eyes that shines bright beneath the lights. I've never met a man such beautiful as Haruki-san.

He called out my name, indicating that he finished changing as I felt my face get hot in embarrassment. We walked in silence to the nearest restaurant.

"So... Haruma-kun, you know Aotsuki?" He asked out of the blue as we went to a table near the door.

"Yeah... I sang for their band." I smiled, hiding the feeling in my chest but failed. As he was about to speak, my phone rang.

"Ah, I'll answer this, sorry." I bowed in embarrassment, I can feel my face burning as I headed towards the door. Making sure no one was there, I pressed the screen.


"Haruma, it's me, Mafuyu. I'll be a bit late, is that okay?" I looked at Haruki-san through the glass door who was busy looking at the menu before he turned his gaze at me. I quickly turned away before clearing my throat.

"It's okay, I just finished my shift and is about to eat lunch with a co-worker. Take your time."

"Okay, see you later."

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