Chapter 3: Good News, FINALLY!

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Todoroki POV: I just got an email from the doctor! Apparently the quirk will last until next Thursday around 6pm, so exactly a week from when I got hit by the quirk! TwT I can't believe that I almost did it with Midoriya! This quirks is ruining everything! NOW THINGS ARE WEIRD BETWEEN US FUCK! I still taste his lips on mine. Sweet, like candy 🥰. I wish this could go away, but maybe this is doing me a favor! It helps me physically show Midoriya how I feel, but it is definitely more of a curse than it is a blessing, he might think of this part of me as a creep well less of a part of me IT IS JUST A STUPID QUIRK!!! DAMN IT!!! CAN THINGS GO BACK TO FUCKING NORMAL?! GOD! My life is falling apart! I don't have much to do other than sleep cuz it is the weekend now. Midoriya is in his dorm. I can't go there or else I'll make another move on him and who knows what else could happen. Why did people even want this kind of quirk to exist? I don't want to ruin my friendship between Midoriya and I but I do at the same time. Is something wrong with me? A few minutes later I hear knocking on my door! Something tells me it is Midoriya. What is he doing here? I NEED TO STRAIN MYSELF!

Midoriya POV: It is the weekend and since yesterday he told me this thing will last until Thursday he showed me the email from his doctor. He must be lonely because he is basically isolating himself other than when I have to tutor him because he can't come to class. I'll got to his room to check on him and bring him some ice cold soba just how he likes it, and I'll ask Yao-Momo for some green tea! "Todoroki..?" I say as I knock on his door. "Go away I need to strain myself!" I hear him say, he is on the patio as I open his door. "I brought you soba! It is cold." I say trying to keep my hands from getting colder than they already are from holding the cold soba for what feels like ever. "I am trying for the quirk not to affect me. I don't want to kiss you because I am being controlled too." he says sounding a mixture between anger and sadness. I feel may face burn in redness. I fear to ask this but I must. "D-do y-you w-w-want to kiss me?" I say nervously as I walk to be by his side on his patio. I kiss him without even thinking! I feel his warm lips on mine! I want to kiss him for eternity!

 I kiss him without even thinking! I feel his warm lips on mine! I want to kiss him for eternity!

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I kiss him like the world depends on it. I love him, I know he is kissing me just because of the quirk, but, I need him, before the quirk wears off. He picks me up and takes me to his bed and places me on his bed I take of my no-sleeve sweater and so does he. He slowly licks my neck. I feel his saliva slimy on my skin going up my neck as he gets on top of me.

He slowly takes off his clothes and I don't want this to remain in his memory! As much as I love him, we should remain friends

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He slowly takes off his clothes and I don't want this to remain in his memory! As much as I love him, we should remain friends. I can't just think about my self and let him do this to me! "Stop~!" OH NO MY WORDS CAME OUT WRONG! HE'LL GET THE WONG MESSAGE! CRAP WHAT DO I DO?!?! "Why should I stop when I can keep going~?" He says in a sexual way. Frick! I messed up! "Ngh~, because I-I want to kiss Todoroki when the quirk wears o-off not the one with this effect added, I-I want your l-love t-to be real. Not because of some quirk!" I say, it somehow reached to him! "Go, run! I'm resisting what this quirk wants! I want to kiss you too not being controlled by this!" He says sounding strained. I run out as fast as possible closing his door behind me. I heard him saying that he...want to kiss me too...he...he Who would love me? Other than my mom. I get to the bathroom into the mirror to think about life, when I spot a hickey on my neck. SHIT! He left a hickey, I can't go to school like this or everyone will notice and start asking questions! I have to wear a scarf! Wait no, I can cover it with make up, but where can I get makeup from without getting asked questions? How can I manage to hide this?! Frick. Scarf it is. I then head to my dorm covering the hickey I spot Kirishima at Kacchan's dorm door heading out. "Oh hey Midobro! Um don't tell anyone heading out of Bakugo's room okay?" Kirishima said suspiciously. (You know what Kirishima and Bakugo were doing, right? 😉) "What were you two doing?" I ask. "Fine, we..I was studying, Bakubro was tutoring me." Kirishima lied. "I thought you two were together, like dating." I say with a smirk on my face. "Okay, fine you caught me. We were cumming..." He said with a slight embarrassed look on his face. "Kirishima, you didn't have to tell me that much detail! I'm sorry, that was only your's and Kacchan's information to know! I'm so sorry for asking!" I said shocked that he told me that. "Actually it's fine. It's so un-manly of me to keep secrets." He said. "Well personal information like that shouldn't exactly be spilled." I warned him. Honestly I'm not even shocked he lost his virginity to Kacchan, they are clearly perfect for each other! I'd be surprised if they ended up with someone else besides each other :)! "So, Midoriya, what were you doing in Todoroki's room all day and with it being this late now? Are you two also together?" Kirishima says wanting me to spill the tea when there is no tea to spill. "Well, we got as far as kissing.-" I see Kirishima's face practically glowing with joy when I haven't even finished my sentence. "But it is just because of the quirk he got hit with. Nothing special." I finish. "Bro, I wish you two the best, I hope he does love you, you two are, perfect for each other!" He claims. "I hope he loves me back." I give a weak smile then enter my dorm. "What a long day." I sigh.

-----------End of chapter 3!---I hope everyone enjoyed it!------

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