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I stepped outside and took a deep breath, taking in the golden sun kissing my skin. The bright blue sky stretched on with white feathery clouds but not enough to hide the sun. The morning dew sprinkled across the grass and the breeze gently blew my hair. My first day at U.A and a fresh start on moving on from my wretched past.

"Well here I go..."

I whispered to myself as I walked to a near by train station. I plugged my earbuds in drowning out the noisy crowd on the train. I smiled as I began to tap my finger on the top of my knee to the beat of the music flowing through my ears. The air felt thick and the odor was punching my nose. Of course that didn't kill my spirit I didn't sleep a wink last night so excited to enroll at the most prestigious school where all the best hero's went. Including the symbol of peace All might. One day I will be as great as him and save thousands of people with a smile! I was so thankful to get through recommendations. Working non stop and studying to get to where I am now. The train stopped and people started to move and push around. I put my earbuds back into my bag and walked out the train and through the wandering crowd.

There it is. UA in the flesh! I smiled brightly starting at the tall structure. The letters standing out in gold and the sun hitting it at a perfect angle almost blinding me. It looks so much bigger in person than online that's for sure. Gripping my bag straps even more now I felt them get hot and clammy. My heart started to beat faster as I walked closer to the building. Every step I took I could feel my heart beating even faster than before. It was traveling at the speed of light and felt like it was never gonna stop. I didn't want this feeling to stop! I started fastening my pace as I got closer and closer and instead of meeting the front doors I met the concrete first.


"Who you calling extra you asswipe!"

I yelled at the ash blonde while grabbing my bag and brushing the invisible dust and dirt of my skirt. I felt myself being lifted off the ground by the collar  of my shirt. My eyes meet with crimson red ones.

"What did you call me shitty face?"

"I'm sorry? Did I stutter?"

He growled bringing me in closer to his face trying to intimidate me but I quickly kneed him where the sun does not shine and made a run for it inside the building. Hell no was I gonna stay and fight that guy especially on my first day.

"Next time pick a fight with someone you CAN pick a fight with!"

I shout and laughed as I made my way to Class 1-A. The hero course. Who would of thought I would be standing at the front door. My body felt a little tremble as I stood before the massive door which looked like they were built for titans. I exhaled and open the door. Everyone wasn't there yet which means I get to pick a seat before the others come. I went straight to the back of the room. I placed my bag down and heard more students walk through the door. All of these students looked so cool! Each looking unique and different. Everyone was walking in and taking their seats. I familiar figure walked through the door.

'Dear god he's in this class?'

I tried to slouch so hopefully he wouldn't see me but failed. He glared daggers in my soul. How is this guy even trying to be a hero?! I felt my heartbeat faster as he started to get closer to me. Where's the teacher? Maybe they will save me right? My panic thoughts were cut off with him slamming the palm of his hands on my desk setting off small explosions.

"Your dead shitty face a small fry like you won't survive this class!"

"I think you'll be kicked out alone just with the anger issues anyways why a hothead like you trying to be a hero anyway? Your story must be soooo interesting!"

I gave him a smirk trying to not show how I'm trembling in the inside and he seems like someone I shouldn't mess with but I have to by time till the teacher comes i-

"YOU! It's already the first day and you are damaging school property!"


The ash blonde turned around and was being yelled at by another classmate. Thank All might this guy came in at the perfect time! I mentally was thanking the boy and was trying to get out of the middle of the conflict but their attention turned back to me. Oh no.

"And you! You are gonna just let him destroy property!"


"Standing by and doing nothing makes you just as bad and-"

We all turned our heads and looked at this plain looking boy. He stiffens in fear as he looked at the three of us.

"It's you!"

The kid with glasses rushes over to the student. He had freckles on his cheeks and looked shorter than the other two males I just encountered. I looked back over and the hothead finally left me alone. I sighed as I slouched back into my seat. What a great way to start off my first day at U.A. Are the rest of the students gonna be like this? Hopefully not maybe I just made a bad first impression I should try to introduce myself to someone. I placed my finger on my lips and hummed as I inspected the room. I looked at the desk next to me and immediately recognized the guy next to me. He also got in UA through recommendation, we raced during our practical exam and I ended up in first. So maybe it wouldn't be the best to talk to him firs-

"Do you need something? You've been staring at me for awhile now."

His Heterochromia eyes matched mine as I felt my face turning red from not even knowing I was staring at him this whole time. Starting to shift my weight from side to side in my seat I was trying to find a reason.

"You have really gorgeous eyes I wish I was one of your tears, so I could be born in your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips!"

Why was I such a terrible flirt and why was I even trying to flirt with him? He started at me with a stoic expression stained to his face. He's not laughing oh no I failed abort mission abort mission.

"Not a pick up line guy? Alright that's cool-"

"That was suppose to be a pick up line? I was concerned I thought I would have to get a teacher."

Now I was starting at him with the same expression. WHY AM I SO TERRIBLE AT MAKING FRIENDS!

"If you are here to make friends might as well start to pack up your stuff now..."

I turned my head over to see a talking yellow bag oh wait no that's our teacher. To his unshaven face to the bags under his eyes he looked like who couldn't even give a damn about any of us. He stands up and instructs us to put our gym uniform on and head out to the field. I raised my hand to ask about orientation but everyone was already leaving the classroom. Great. Just great. I trailed behind the rest of the girls to the locker room and went to the corner. This feels just like middle school nothing has changed I felt like an outcast yet again this burden of trying to find a friend before everyone here thinks I'm a loser... I slide my shirt on.

"I remember you from the practical exam! Your quirk was really impressive to see someone like you and the other male in in our class to go toe to toe like that!"

Someone who hasn't gave me a hard time about being here. Is this an opening? Is this my chance of finally finding a friend?

"Thank you! You quirk was a amazing as well!"

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu! It's so nice to meet you!"

"And I am (Y/n) (L/n)."

That's me and this is the story of how I became the greatest hero. Or so I thought it was gonna be.

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