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We finally arrived out zone 6 and were greeted by what was left of class 1-A.

"Oh my god y/n you are alive!!"

Mina started whaling as she embraced me in a bone crushing hug. We all excitedly started to catch up with what we missed and Kaminari ran up to me picking me up and spinning me.

"I never thought I would of seen you again! You look great!"

I rubbed the back of my neck feeling someone or multiple peoples glares.

"It's good to see you too it's been so long we got so much to catch up on!"

I looked up on the sky and smiled. If only Momo were here to see us back together. Don't worry we are step closer to our freedom! We were walking back to the rusty dusty apartment complex but I was pulled out of the group by Aizawa.

"What did I tell you before?"

"Uh not to talk to strangers?"

He mental face palmed himself and stared at me.

"To not do anything do anything reckless but since today's mission was a success you will not be punished."

I fist bumped the air and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you Aizawa!"

Later we started celebrating our success in the lobby. Today was the day hope was returned to the people. Everyone dancing and drinking having a good time. The smiles on their faces being united together after being separated for so long. We all lost so much yet we are here together once again. We turned the old dusty place into a fun environment. Mina and I decorated along with Uraraka. Bakugou Iida and Deku cleaned while Todoroki Kirishima and Shoji went to grab drinks and snacks which I should of been specific on what kind of drinks. Shinso disappeared awhile ago he said he wasn't to good so he went up to his room. The room was filled with laughter. I stood by myself take sips of my drink watching everyone. I leaned against the broken front desk that haven't been used in a long time and smiled.

"What ya doing standing here alone it's a party!"

Kaminari threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. His breath smelled of alcohol and wasn't able to keep his balance.

"I'm so grateful to get to see you again y/n you are the best!!"

I chuckled and tried holding him up. I think he had too much to drink. I took his drink from his hand which he tried desperately grabbing even tho he couldn't reach.

"Let's go to your room."

I felt a couple eyes on me as I went upstairs to put him in his room.

"Nooooo let's go back to the party I gotta get downnnnn~ and show my moves!"

"You can show us your moves later right now I think you need to go to sleep before you black out."

He was super heavy and it was hard to guide him to his room. Luckily we didn't have to climb up many stairs since his room was on the third floor.

"Y/n you, your so beautiful and kindddd I just wanna be with you forever."

I knew he was drunk and didn't mean it but my heart was still beating to his words. We arrived to his room and I opened his door and placed him on his bed. As I was about to leave he grabbed my hand roughly causing me to fall back on to him and falling on top of him. Our chests were touching and or noses were touching. I was about to get up but he grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear-

"Stay, please?"

I only felt uncomfortable because he was drunk so I pushed myself off of him and left his room.

"What's the rush?"

I jumped and looked to see Kirishima standing by the door with a glass of water.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya! I just noticed you bringing him to his room and decided to come check on him is he alright?"

"OH yeah he's fine he's in bed now i'm not sure if he passed out yet but you can just leave the glass of water on his night stand I think imma go my room now mhm okay bye!"

"Wait! Uh actually I mainly came to talk to you... Because we haven't talked in so long and I wanted to catch up!"

"Uh sure let's go for a walk!"

We left the barely standing apartment and walked. The sky was black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. The air was softly blowing giving us a nice cool breeze from being inside the hot building. Wandering around at the once lively city known as Esuha city. As we were walking people were huddled by fires or wandering the streets like us. Just like us trying to survive.

"I'm so happy to see everyone again it feels like we are back in class trying our very best to be Pro hero's."

"Yeah it's crazy one minute we were just tying to improve or quirks to fighting to survive and hoping for a chance for everything to go back to normal."

"I haven't seen All Might since that day it's was rough hearing him retiring."

"Yeah... Look the big dipper!"

I pointed at the constellation and admired the luminous sky. In the corner of my eye I can tell he wasn't looking at the sky but at me. I felt myself get warm again and started to play with my fingers as we continued our walk.

"If only we could time travel and go back to before any of this happened- I wonder what if would be like."

I nodded and smiled. Life before the outbreak. What a time. I wish Momo and my family were able to see life become normal again. I felt a cold wet tear slide down my cheek.

"Hey! Are you okay did I say something?"

"N-no sorry I just couldn't help but think about Momo."

My voice began to crack as I mentioned her name. Kirishima pulled me in to a hug and held me tightly in the middle of the street. I felt safe in his arms like no one will be able to touch me.

"It's okay y/n... Everyday I thought about all of you hoping I get to see you guys again Momo would always talk about seeing you again and how she was gonna give you the biggest hug."

I started to sob into his shoulder staining his shirt with tears. I looked up into his crimson eyes and the moonlight shined on his face. He cupped his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away.

"It's okay I'm here.."

I smiled through the tears and he brought my face up and I closed my eyes and moved closer in till our lips met. He lips were soft and they were warm unlike todoroki's. I pulled away and looked around checking if anyone was watching.

"I- I'm sorry I got caught up in the moment and you looked beautiful in the moonlight-"

"Hey it's okay! Didn't know you were such a good kisser."

"Yeah these lips are made for smooching!"

We both started laughing and started to head back before it was too late. He walked me to my room and we said our goodbyes. I really missed him.

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