answer me.

13 0 0

tw// abuse, f slur, homophobia
Todoroki pov

i stood up from my spot in the alley, and called natsuo.

"you want me to what?" he asked over the call

"just drive me to dads house. you don't have to go inside, just drive me there." i explained

"fine." natsuo scoffed.

i watched as we drove down the street, making our way back to our fathers house. we passed by moms mental hospital, but we didn't go in. we got to the house and i stared up at the building. i sighed softly and got out of my brothers car.

"sho... be careful ok? dad can be a dick." natsuo looked at me. i nodded, giving him a thumbs up and shut the door. natsuo drove off, and i started walking up the steps, opening the door to go inside. dad was sitting on the couch, fuyumi in a chair across from him.

"ah, shouto. right on time, come here." dad instructed. i couldn't tell if he was angry or not, but i nodded and walked into the living room. fuyumi smiled softly at me, reassuring me. but she looked terrified

"what did you need, sir?" i asked, trying to sit as formally as possible.

"to check something. your sister, here, mentioned something about how, on your birthday, your dearest brother touya showed up. she told me 'it was an accident, she didn't mean to say it'. but i just need to see if it's true. so, shouto. did your long lost eldest brother come to see you on your birthday?" dad asked. i gulped and looked at him. i decided to try and make up a quick lie.

"no. no he didn't. fuyumi meant to say natsuo, but it only makes sense she slipped up. We did sit in her and Touyas old room, so obviously she probably thought of him." i said. fuyumi looked at me, then at dad and nodded in agreement. our father looked at both of us then nodded. i think he believed me. i was about to stand up, but of course dad had to run his mouth some more.

"actually, shouto, i have something else i'd like to talk to you about." dad said, the tone of his voice dropping.

"uhm...yes, father? what do you need?" i sat back down. he looked at fuyumi, who quickly got the hint and walked up the stairs. she's not a part of this.

"i texted you, on your birthday, and you never gave me a response, so one might as well ask in person while I have you. so, shouto. my dearest, dearest son. my poster child, are you a fag?" my dad spat. i blinked a few times. how do i answer that.


"answer me."

"no." liar.

"bullshit." dad scoffed

"what?" i looked at him.

"BULLSHIT!" he yelled, slamming his fist down on the table, causing me to jump.

"what do you m-mean? i'm telling the truth." i lied again.

"you're a fuckin fag and you know it! stop lying to me!" dad yelled, starting to stand up. oh shit.

"i know about you and the mini all might. not only are you a fag, but a fag for him? how low can your standards get." dad spat

i almost stood up too, to defend izuku, but dad glared at me.

"no no, stay seated, fags don't get to stand up without permission." he spat. i nodded and sat back down.

"i raised you. i tried to make you a spitting image of me. but no. you're always trying to ruin my GOD damn reputation! because of what? because i pushed you around a little when you were child?" he yelled.

i started to stand up, despite his earlier warning.

"oh so this is my fault? by being gay, i'm ruining your reputation? how-"

"shut up, boy! you speak when i say, and you stand when i say. sit your ass back down, and don't say another word!" he screamed

"actually, i think i'm gonna say what ever words i want! let me find the perfect ones! oh! here, fuck! you! when i was a kid, you didnt just 'push me around a little'. ypu fucking beat me, overworked me, and just overall treated me like an animal! thats what's going to ruin your reputation. if people find out that the now number 1 hero  is a homophobic piece of shit, who has abused %75 of his children into hating him, youre reputation will be fucking destroyed! and guess what! i'm part of that damn 75!" i yelled.

"get out." dad glared at me.

"are you-"

"pack your shit, and get the fuck out!" he screamed.

"gladly" i snapped. before he could react i walked up stairs and got all of my other stuff. it's not like i'd be coming back her any time soon.

"hey, sho?" i heard fuyumi call, she was standing in the door frame.

"what's up, fuyu?" i looked at her, bag over my shoulder

"i...i'm really sorry that dad doesn't accept you." fuyumi frowned

"hey, cheer up. it's ok. because as long as you, mom, natsuo, and touya, there's really nothing to worry about." i smiled. she walked up and hugged me, and i could feel a smile creeping onto my face. i hugged her back and we stayed like that for a moment.

"well, i'm off. don't want dad to have to deal with me any longer." i laughed, walking down the steps. i watched as dad glared at me as i left. i left the house and stopped outside of the front yard. it was a lot colder than it was earlier. i used my fire to warm myself up a little, but then remembered i needed a ride home.

i pulled out my phone and went to natsuo's contact. i pressed the call button and waited for an answer

"hey, sho. ya done with dad?" natsuo asked

"yeah..." i sighed

"i'll be over in a sec." natsuo hung up.

after a moment, i saw the small white car pull up next to me. i got in the passenger side, duffle bag and all, and he drove me back to his apartment. 

"what happened?" he asked

"dad found out i was gay, and kicked me out." i explained.

"that sucks. you can stay at my apartment for while if you need." natsuo offered

"thatd be nice. thanks, natsu." i smiled softly

"don't mention it, it's the least i could do after just leaving you there for 2 years." natsuo smiled back.

i guess i could get used to living with my brother.

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