Chapter 13 Date Night

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Elsa POV

"How did it go?" I ask as Jack walked in with Jake asleep as he cared in a few bags that if I had to guess had a few toys in it.

"It was great. We had a fun time." Jack said as he set the bags down and began making his way to the room where he set Jake down, slipping off his shoes. "That's good." I say as I stepped aside.

"Ya, hey so what's the plan for Jake's birthday?" Smiling I looked up at him. "Well, I was thinking maybe if your Dad was okay with it that we did it at his house." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck, his around my waist. "Ya, that's sounds like a plan." "Ya"

We soon found ourselves in an intense makeout. Our lips moving together in sync as our tongue's fought for dominance. He won as we both fell back on the couch. He lifted me so I was straddling him.

"We have to stop." I said between kisses. As I pulled back for air. "We dont want another Jake happening." I say as I leaned into him.  "I mean....I don't regret Jake at all. I would have died without him. He..."

"I understand." He said, resting his forehead against mine, pulling me even closer. My body was heating up even more instead of cooling down. "You do?" I ask looking him in the eyes. He nodded causing my head to move along. "Yes." He closed his eyes smiling in content. "I too want her to be here only when you are ready for her." He said as I pulled back raising an eyebrow. "Her?"

His eyes flashed open instantly, a flash of nervousness crossed his face as a tint of pink was seen on his cheeks. He was embarrassed. Laughter bubbled inside me as I pushed up to have a better look at him. "You want a daughter?" I asked grinning at the new information.

"Yes," he whispered. "But only when you are ready. When we both are." I giggled smiling at this. We soon found ourselves asleep on the couch cuddled into one and another.

Skip to morning

I sighed sitting up as I wrapped in a blanket but also strong arms. Smiling I sat up. I then slid off the couch as I made my way to the room. Where I had grabbed a pair of fresh clothes before making my way to the shower. I then set the thing on hot as I slid out of my clothes making my way in.

Now that Jack knows how will this work? I mean I live in New York with my Dad, and Jack lives outside of Burgess. Would I have to move back here? Or will he be coming with me to New York? Why is this so complicated. I mean all of are friends live here, so does Anna but Jake has so many good friends back in New York as well as the company. Ugh I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. Maybe we could move down here and whenever I'm needed at the company I just travel to New York. That way it'll give Jack and Jake some alone time and make up what they had missed for the past years.

Sighing I washed the soap out of my hair not noticing the curtains open until I felt hands wrap around my waist giving me shivers. "What you thinking about?" I turned around facing Jack as I leaned my head on his chest. He seemed to have gotten more fit through the years. Which is no surprise there.

Looking up our eyes meet. "Well seeing as you live out of Burgess and I live in New York. I was just wondering how we would work along with Jake." I said as I gestured between the two of us. Sighing Jack looked away. "Right, what if you moved back to Burgress? And me and you would find a new house. That way we can raise Jake together." Nodding I looked up. "Yeah, I was thinking that. I mean it wouldn't be so bad. We have all our friends here and family."

"Yeah, how long do you think it'll take for you to move?" He asked. "I'll probably be a week. Seeing as I live in apartment." Nodding "Well I would have to pack, mine and Jake's stuff as well as the furniture and along with my Dad. Though I still have to speak with him about it. So possibly a month maybe two. We also have to find a house."

"Right, but let's wait after Thanksgiving. We'll start looking now. And that way you'll be able to speak to your Dad." Nodding once again. We then stood in the shower for a while until we got out. Jake was still sleeping seeing as it was only 10 in the moring. Chuckling a little bit I made my way out of the room and into the little kitchen. As I grabbed a water from the fridge. I then watch as Jack came in the room.

"Hey, wanna do something crazy?" Smiling, I gave him a confused look. He then walked towards me. "Well I was just thinking maybe we could go on a date? Only if you want to of course." "Yeah, that sounds like fun." "Great so, 7. And Jake can just stay with my Dad or something." Nodding, I let out a breath i didnt even know i was holding in. Butterflies were forming in my stomach as i felt like a teenager again. Smiling I walked back to the room. "Jake, sweetie wake up." I say gently as I shake him awake. I watch as he rubbed his head against the pillow. Before sitting up. "What time is it?" He asked as he rubbed his eye with his hand letting out a yawn. "Its 10 baby, it's time to get dress were goanna go out and eat. Wherever you want." "Really!" He asked with a smile on his face. I already knew what place he wanted to go.

Dennys they had the best pancakes ever. We went their for his fifth birthday. The kid had a lot of fun. "Yeah." Smiling slipped out of the bed before running to the bathroom. "Do you ant me to turn on the shower for you?" I asked as I leaned on the wall. "No, I'm a big boy. Daddy even said so." Chuckling I nodded as I made my way towards the suit case. I then pulled out a pair of skinny Jean's and a button up shirt. I then made my way out of the room. "So, I just got done telling Jake about breakfast and he said he wanted to do it at Denny's if that's okay." Jack looked up from his phone.

"Yeah, I just got done asking my Dad if Jake can stay with him for a bit. He said yeah." I walked over to him grabbing his hand and intwerinding our fingers together. "Than it looks like were are settled than." Jack nodded before replying with a Yeah as he leaned in. Me following shortly as our lips met.

Skip time


We were all sitting in a booth at Denny's. As we ordered. Elsa had got the breakfast most besties along with Jake while I got eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and some toast with jam. "So Buddy, what do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked as I watch Jake. He thought for a moment before shouting. "Spider man!" He shouted. "But you already did that." Elsa said as she looked at Jake. "I know but hes my favorite superhero Mommy. Please. Please." "Alright whatever you want." Jake smiled as he jumped up and down in his seat. I chuckled as Elsa shook his head.

Jake was very smart for his age. Just like Elsa. "Okay, well we have time to plan for your birthday party do you have anyone you want to invite?" "Alexa, and Jamie their my friends." "Okay, well try." He nodded before drinking his chocolate milk. I turned Elsa who was looking at me. She shrugged he shoulder's before giving me a quick kiss. I smiled turing back to Jake. This is goanna be the best birthday party ever. I'll make sure of it.

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