Chapter 26 Happily Ever After

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A/N This story will be coming to an end as this is the final chapter. It has been fun writing this story. And this is why I had waited so long to post it because it is longer then the other chapters. I might make another Jelsa book. But I'm not quite sure yet. I have grown over the love of Jelsa. But if I do end up making another book about Jelsa. Then it'll be The prince and the thief. And to everyone who has read my books Thank you! It's been fun.

Skip four months later

The pregnancy has been smooth so far minus the moodswings, and the weird cravings. Like Peanut butter with Pickles or maybe the vanilla ice cream with beef jerky bits on top. Nonetheless. Jack loved Elsa and whatever her heart desired he would give it to her even if it was a weird food combination.

Jack sighed as he looked at the alarm clock once again. He had been up for the past three houses. Too excited to go fall back asleep. Today was the day they would find out the gender of the baby. It was half past 9. And the appointment was at 1 and the alarm clock wouldn't go off until 10:30. So deciding it was time to get out of bed. He made his way to the shower taking a quick one so he could make Elsa and Jake some breakfast.

So pulling out the flour he began to get to work.

Skip time-

It was until late that Elsa had woken up. Looking to the side where Jack would normally be only to find it was empty. So with that she decided to get out of bed making her way down the steps as she can hear plates clatter. As she made her way down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Jack had been setting plates down filled with Pancakes, Bacon, eggs, blueberries and strawberries. "Good Morning beautiful." Jack was quick to kiss her cheek before heading back to the sink.

"Morning." Elsa sighed as she took a seat at the table. "Where's Jake?" She asked as she looked towards Jack. "He's taking a shower right now. Should be down any minute." And as if on cue Jake comes running in. "Morning Mommy."

Elsa smiles as she kisses his cheek. "Morning baby."

"Alright here is your chocolate milk, and here is your orange juice." Jacks says as he sets the dinks down. "Thanks Jack for everything."

"Of course, anything for you my dear. Jake buddy did you brush your teeth?" Jack asked before Jake could get a chance to take a bite of the chocolate pancakes. "I will after breakfast. I promise daddy."

"Okay, as long as you brush them, you can have a little bit of whip cream." Jack stands up as he begins to put whip cream on the top of Jake's pancakes. He's been doing everything lately. Won't let me do a single thing. And it's starting to get annoying. "Here let me do the dishes." I say as I stand up from my spot.

"No." Jack shook his head as he grabbed the plates from Elsa. "You go get ready, we have to leave in an hour."

"You know you are beginning to be really annoying." Jack smiles, giving my cheek a kiss. "I love you too. Now go take a shower." I grumble as I turn away letting out a huff.

Skip time

"Anna!" I call through the house as I close the door with my foot. Setting my bag off to the side. I had just gotten back from the doctors and we learned the gender of the baby. "Up here." I sigh as I look at the stairs. 'Okay we can do this.' After I had finally made it up I had headed towards the bedroom but stopped short as the door to the bathroom was open. My sister was standing there holding-

A small smile breaks on to my face as I squeal at the news of Anna being pregnant. The last we talked about was the day after her wedding. "Congratulations Sister. You're gonna make a great mother." I say as I hug her.

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