Chapter 15 Thanksgiving Dinner

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I traced Jack's jawline. Which had defently tooken shape over the past few years. I then began to leave light kisses of his neck. I then pushed myself back as I looked at Jack who was now wide awake, well besides the fact that he kept blinking his eyes and trying to keep them open.

"Goodmorning." I say, as I placed a light kiss on his lips. "Moring, what time is it?" He asked. "It is currently six in the moring." Jack looked me as If I were crazy. "And why did you wake me up?"

"Because it is six in the moring and you should be awake." Then there was a moment of silence be he spoke. "Yeah, no." He then turned the other way as he covered himself with a blanket. "Oh come on Jack, we have to get going today. Its Thanksgiving." I heard a very long, and loud sigh, before the covers came off. "Can't that wait, its littlery six in the moring? And I'm very sleepy." I sighed turing to look away. "If you wish, then you can go back to sleep but for me, I'm goanna go get dressed." I then pecked his lips before sliding out of bed and making my way to the bathroom. I then slid my clothes off as I got in the shower.

I began putting shampoo than conditioner in my hair then rinsed off the rest of my body.

I was now out of the shower and had put on a new pair of undergarments and a white long sleeve dress that went below mid thigh. I then walked out of the bathroom as I made my way to the small kitchen. As I grabbed an apple and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

It was just barely six fifty and the Thanksgiving dinner party started at 4:30. I still needed to get some things to bring to the Thanksgiving dinner along with a spare pair of clothes for Jake. Who is staying with Jack's Dad at the moment.

"Hey." I shiverd as I feel a pair of arms wrapped around me as I was pulled back into a chest. I looked up before turing around to face Jack. "Goodmorning, about time you got up." I say as I giggled.

"Well I wasnt the one to wake up at six in the moring, when we have at least a couple of hours to prepare. And besides it got cold after you left." I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help have a small smile on my lips. I than pulled away. "Well I just wanted to be ready and get everything done and besides I miss Jake." I say as a small poute made way to my lips.

Jack just shook his before kissing my lips, then booped my nose. "Okay, when I'm ready and have eaten we can head out deal." I nodded. He than made his way back to the room to probably take a shower. I smiled as I skipped to the room and began going through Jake's bag, as I pulled out a pair of Jean's and a red and black button up shirt. I then grabbed a spare bag setting the clothes in them.

I then pulled out a pair of brown boots that went up to my knees. I soon began doing my makeup as Jack was now out of the bathroom and getting something to eat. After I had did my makeup I began to straighten my hair. It had grown over the years going down to my butt. Maybe it was time for a hair cut.

"Hey Jack!" I called through the room. I then heard a 'yeah'. "Can we maybe stop by the haircut place I think i need a haircut?" There was silence for a while before Jack walked into the bathroom with a pair of blue skinny Jean's and a red and black button up shirt.

After that I made my way to the kitchen area. Jack was standing there all ready. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded we then made are way to a dinner where we had some breakfast.

We then stopped by the hair cut store where I had trimmed my hair to the point where it was half way up to my back. After that we headed to the store. "So what do we need to get?" Jack asked as we grabbed a cart. I pulled out my phone gowing through the list.

"Well we need some pie, and I was Thinking pumpkin and apple. We also need wipcream, Chips, and some drinks. Oh and we also need to make a egg salad, oh and some cupcakes." Jack nodded as we stopped down the first lane. We had picked up some cupresuns, sprit, Pepsi, and water. We then made our way through the rest of the store grabbing the nessacaroy things that was needed. Once we had finshed we checked out we went back to the hotel as I began making the egg salad while Jack went to go get lunch.

After I had finshed I set the egg salad in the fridge just in seeing as Jack came in. "Hey, so they didnt have what you asked for but I did get your rice, along with some pot stickers. Is that okay?" I nodded, smiling as I began to clean my hands. I then grabbed two spoons before making my way towards Jack. We than began to eat having some small talk along the way. It was about 11 something. And we had decided to take a nap. And that's what we did.

Skip time because I have no idea what to put.

It was now 2:30 and we had loaded all of the stuff in the car as we made our way to Jack's Dad house. Once we had got their it had been about 3. So we had an hour left before we would start. I grabbed some of the stuff as I made my way inside and too the kitchen.

I heard some shoes running on the floor boards making me turn aroun.
"Hey, baby." I say as I bend down to eye level. "Hi Mommy." Jake says as he hugs me. "I brang some spare clothes for you to change in." I then began to grab the bags that were in my bag. "Here, go change." Nodding he takes off up the stairs and to a room where he can change.

I then made my way to the kitchen as I hugged Emma, and Jacks Dad. "So how was Jake? I hope he wasnt too much trouble." I asked Manny and Rose. "No, not at all he's a wild spirit. He always brings me joy. He's always welcome here." Rose says as she let out a chuckle. I nodded, "good."

I then watched as Jake came running down the stairs with his old clothes in hand. I smiled bending down as I placed them in a bag.

After having some small talk the door had opened to reveal Emma, David, and a certain almost a one month year old baby. I made my way across the room forgetting about the conversation that was being held. "Hello little one." I say as I held my arms out. Emma slowly handed me the baby. I looked back at Emma and David they both had dark circles under their eye's. I guess they must be tired.

"How did you do it?" I smile as I look towards Emma and David. "I used to help my Mom take care of Anna. Well more like watch her. It's one of my earliest memories of her." A/N-okay let's pretend that did happen. Because nothing else would make sense. "There are also many ways to ease a baby to sleep so it would stop crying. But only one was really adaptive. I massaged Jake muscles every moring and night. But also swaddle him after. It worked for the most part."

"Yeah, we'll be sure to try it sometime." And with that they took the baby away and I was left alone. Looking at the baby. This just makes me want to have another baby. Sure it was hard because I didn't have anyonene help besides my sister's, friends, Dad, and Mr. Fost but they couldn't be their full time. But now I have Jack. And I'm not even sure he wants a baby. Sighing I made my way towards Jack and the others. Jack was playing with Jake. I smiled at the two. My two boy's together and having fun.

"Hello boy's, what's going on here?" I ask as they look at me. Jake comes running over reaching his small arms out to me. As I bened down to pick him up. "Daddy teaching me how to play football. But I don't really get it." I chuckled turing to look at Jack.

"Oh so your goanna get him to play football like you huh?" Jack just shrugged before kissing my cheek. We then turned to look at everyone else who had been watching the small interaction. "Looks like it's time to get this party started." Jack's says as his arm wraps around my waste and starts guiding me and Jake to envy else.

The rest of the day went by with talking, playing games, helping serve food and a lot of other things. Thanksgiving is one of the fun holidays, you get to spend time with loved ones. That you wouldn't on a daily basis. It's a bonding time to talk with others who might have not seen in forever. Which why it's always fun.

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