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"Wake up, kid!" Dad banged my door. Yes banged. I immediately woke up from my deep sleep. "Its your first day of 'actual school'." Natasha peeked from the door. I sighed and groaned onto the pillow. I am so not a morning person.
"Are you done yet?" Bucky knocked my door. "Can ya'll chill?" I said, looking at my outfit choices and Bucky saw. "I will get the women." He said. Few seconds later, Natasha and Wanda walked in. "I heard you're having a crisis." Wanda said as them both sat on my bed. "Your girl has to make the first good impression." I shrugged. "Not blaming." Natasha smiled.

We all head downstairs after Wanda and Natasha helped me. "Finally, I thought it'll take forever." Bucky groaned as his mouth was full with pancake. "Am I gonna drive the car?" I asked, referring to the company car. "Oh hell no kid." Tony shook his head. "Bucky is gonna send you." Dad said. "Me?" "Bucky?" We both exclaimed at the same time. "We can't let you be the talk of the people y/n. You're Steve Rogers, Captain America's daughter." Tony continued. "So?" I frowned. "It means, you'll get in danger easier." Natasha expliained.
"I don't wanna do this too, alright. I rather play Fortnite with Thor right now." Bucky rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." I scoffed. "Have a great day!" Bucky rolled down the windows and yelled. Everyone was looking at me. So much for the first great impression. "Fuck you, Bucky." I whispered.

I walked through the hallway, searching for the office. Phew there's a lot of eyes, i can confirm that rumor. I then stopped in front of a door that says "Office" on top of it. Without hesitation, i entered.

I sighed in relieve as I was free from all the mouths and eyes. "May I help you?" An old women who is behind the counter greeted me made me jumped. "Uh- yeah. My names y/n Rogers." I smiled awkwardly. "New student?" She asked. I nodded and smiled again. "Well dear, this is your schedule and some information pamphlets for you to read about the school. You can now enter your class." She said. "Thanks. But how-" I continued to ask but the women now is occupied. "Wait a moment." She walked away.

"Are you lost?" A guy approached me from the room beside me. "Uh- kinda. Just need to ask where's the classes." I said. "May I see?" He asked. "Oh uh yeah sure." I awkwardly give my schedule. "This is interesting. We have most of our classes together. You can follow me to our first class now in fact." He nodded, giving me a smile.

"I'm Ned." He introduced himself as we we walk to the class. "I'm y/n." I smiled. "What made you moved here?" He asked. "Uh- yeah moved. My dad has to work here." I lied. "Cool cool. Alright here we are." Ned said, opening the door for me.

"Ah, Ned, you're on time." A women, standing in front of the class said. "Just helping the new student out, Mrs. Pickins. " Ned shrugged as he walk to a group table. I was about to follow him too but I got called by Mrs Pickins. "Care to introduce yourself, dear?" She asked. "Yeah. I'm Y/n." I said, which was unpleasantly short but I can't say no more without exposing myself. I walk from the spotlight and saw Ned was raising his hand calling out for me.

"Y/n. This is my best friend. Peter." Ned said, pointing to a quite attractive guy who sits beside him. He was wearing the school's blue sweatshirt. "P-Peter Parker." He stuttered, lend out his hand. "Y/n" I smiled.

author's note :
i hope you guys enjoyed this 🥰! don't forget to vote and comment!

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