🐶 Chapter Two: Outfit Shopping for Chloe 🐶

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Later Reina finds herself trotting down the busy streets of Beverly Hills yet again on the left side of a smiling Viv. Chloe's head poking out of Viv's bag as they make their way to their next destination.

A passing dog in a designer bag catcalls at Chloe, causing Reina to look at across from Viv's body and she could not help but to let out a little chuckle before turning her attention back in front of her.

"Down, boy." Chloe giggles as they passed.

Reina let out a happy bark as they passed a window display of 'Vivacity Cosmetics', a smile appearing on Vivian's lips as she continued to walk down the streets.

~ Time Skip: Brought to you by Chloe dressing better than us humans ~

( I am bad at explaining some stuff, so I will be putting pictures in instead of trying to explain the outfits, unless future me comes back to do a good description on the outfits )

While Chloe is getting draped in jewels and designer outfits. Reina is laying on the cool tiled floor, watching her best friend/sister with amusement.

A woman came over to Reina, causing Reina to let out a happy bark, her tongue hanging out as she pants and her tail wagging happily. The woman smiled and bent down putting a stainless-steel bowl in front of Reina filled with water.

Reina let out another happy bark at the woman, causing the woman to smile and run her hand over Reina's white fur rubbing Reina's ear. A content sigh escaped Reina before the woman started to rub her right ear.

"Ear rubs, yes!" Reina groans as the woman keeps rubbing her ears. Chloe giggles in the background.

"All right, ladies, what's next?" Reina felt the woman's hand go away causing a whine to leave her muzzle, the woman chuckled before standing back up and going back to work.

"What do you think about that?" Reina turns her attention to the same woman who was patting her holds up what looks to be a collar towards Chloe

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"What do you think about that?" Reina turns her attention to the same woman who was patting her holds up what looks to be a collar towards Chloe.

"Oh, please. She wears Harry Winston." The one in charge dismissed causing the woman to walk away. "Viv?"


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"Fabulous. I'll take two." Viv says to the woman. "Oh, you should see Chloe. I'll need at least two days at corporate in New York to meet with buyers." Viv says through her Bluetooth earpiece.

"Viv." The lady turns Chloe around to show both Viv and Reina.

"Do you have a little beret?" A woman holds a beret that matches Chloe's outfit but in reverse next to her head

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"Do you have a little beret?" A woman holds a beret that matches Chloe's outfit but in reverse next to her head. "Perfection." Viv smiles before saying something in Italian. "Oh, who needs sleep? It's Italy." Viv says speaking to someone over her Bluetooth earpiece.

"Preppy little beauty." The woman in charge chuckles.

" The woman in charge chuckles

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"This just came in." A woman came over with a woollen designer outfit.

"She's allergic to wool. No" The women in charge of getting Chloe sent the women away. While another brought another designer outfit.

"Love that." The women in charge grins pointing at the outfit.

"Oh! Fabulous!" Viv exclaims as she looked at Chloe before looking down at Reina

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"Oh! Fabulous!" Viv exclaims as she looked at Chloe before looking down at Reina. "What do you think Reina." Viv cooed causing Reina to let out an excited bark, her tongue sticking out as she pants, her tail making a rhythmic thump every time she moves it against the tiled floor.

"Viv." The lady calls gaining Viv's attention again.

" The lady calls gaining Viv's attention again

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"Oh, I love it. And do you love it?" Viv cooed causing Chloe to let out happy squeaky bark. "Oh, you may have it. I'll get you anything you want." Chloe continues to let out excited squeaky barks. "Yes, I will." Viv continued to coo before hearing what the person said on the other line. "No, not you, Patrick." Viv slightly snaps causing Reina to look up.

"Hello, Jackie O." Chloe says admiring herself in the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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