NB!reader | platonic!TubboInnit - Traitor

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Mild Angst
CW/TW: Betrayal

"Thousands of years ago, a group of tyrants ruled over the land of the Dream SMP. These tyrants were called The Unfinished Symphony. Their followers are to be found and executed, so they keep their beliefs hidden in order to survive."

Niki listened to Wilbur reading from the book in awe. Eret rolled his eyes.

"You think we have followers of The Unfinished Symphony in L'Manberg?" he scoffed, "That's ridiculous! How did you even come to that?"

Wilbur clenched his jaw.

"I found this" he said, fishing a golden pin in the form of a clef from his pocket. "The pin of the followers. Every follower has it, one of them must've lost theirs."

Eret sighed and leaned back in his chair. Wilbur eyed him and then looked back down at his book, and started reading out loud again.

"The Wellerman in their signal song, and every follower is required to sing it when they hear it. Not singing is a violation of the Tyranny Law."

"No one in their right mind would sing." Fundy stated the obvious, "Why would someone who'll be punished by death if caught sell themselves out?"

"They're commited. It's like some sort of crazy religion!" Wilbur told him with determination, "Singing the song reveals the traitors." Will looked back down at the page where the song is displayed. He started lighty banging his fist on the table.





"There once was a ship that put to sea, and the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea, the winds blew hard, her bow dipped down, blow, me bully boys, blow." Y/n started singing with confidence, eyes closed and feeling the other followers eyes on them. Wilbur stopped, Y/n continued banging his fist

"Y-y/n?" Niki stuttered in disbelief.

"Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum." Tommy joined in, banging his fist and harmonizing with Y/n.

"One day, when the tonguing' is done, we'll take our leave and go." Tubbo now found his voice, not lifting his gaze from the ground.

Wilbur looked at them in disbelief, feeling betrayed by his own brothers.

"Y-you're the traitors?" he felt paralyzed in his seat, "You're followers of The Unfinished Symphony?"

Y/n sighed, their feet still up on the table. "Sorry to break it to you brother-dearest." They said calmly and opened their eyes, But thank you for finding my pin, i thought id lost it forever. Its hard to get a new one, you know? Y/n reached to grab their pin from the table but Fundys sword got in the way.

Dont even think about it. he growled, pulling his sword from the desk and jumping to attack. Y/n easily dogded the attack and pulled his own sword, quickly ramming it into Fundys lower torso. The man groaned in pain. Good night. Y/n whispered as Fundy dropped to the floor. Tommy jumped to take on Wilbur who was about to attack Y/n from behind and Tubbo started fighting Niki.

Down with the revolution boys. Y/n chuckled as they pulled their sword out of Fundys dead body.

It was never meant to be.

deffo flerting | TommyInnit & Tubbo x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now