male!reader | c!Tommy - Till Death Do Us Part

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CW/TW: Major Character Death, Description of Violence, Blood, Angst

"Will you, TommyInnit, take M/n L/n, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Quackity said loudly in the Church Prime.

"I do." Tommy said, smiling from ear to ear as he looked at M/n with nervousness roaring in the depths of his stomach.

"Will you, M/n L/n, take TommyInnit, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." M/n said, smiling back at Tommy softly, tears of happiness almost falling from his eyes. Tommy excitedly sighed in relief.

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings." Quackity spoke like an old, wise man before chuckling, "Even if the two of you are getting fuckin' married at 16 years of age, you're going FAST." The Grooms laughed as the quests in the church chuckled. "What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."

"Amen." Everyone present spoke at the same time.

"You may now kiss the Groom." Quackity elbowed Tommy and walked away from the stage. M/n was quick to grab Tommy's chin and kiss-

Lightning and thunder. The rain came down in buckets on the day that M/n waited so patiently to get his husband back. Sam had informed M/n of the security error at the prison, and that Tommy was stuck there until it was fixed. When M/n heard a knock at his door, he jumped up in excitement and swung the door open to see Tubbo standing there, soaked in the rain with tears rolling down his face that mixed with the salty raindrops. M/n eager smile dropped in an instant as he took Tubbo's arm and pulled him into the warmth of his home.

"Woah, hey, Tubbo." he shushed the smaller boy, "What's wrong, dear? Why are you crying?"

Tubbo pushed himself into M/n's embrace, sobbing loudly.

"I-I-I came a-as f-fast as i c-could" he stuttered through choked breaths, "T-T-Tom-m-my.." he cried, making M/n's heart drop.

"W-what about Tommy?" M/n asked the smaller boy, who just started shedding more tears.

"He's dead!" Tubbo yelled, his voice clearly in pain. Sam stood outside, unbothered by the rain soaking his clothes. He shook his head and pushed the door open, closing it behind him as soon as he stepped inside. M/n looked at the sobbing boy in horror, then looked up at Sam.

"What is he saying, Sam?" he whispered, "He's save, in the prison, right?" Sam clenched his jaw and looked down on the ground. M/n sat Tubbo down on the couch.

"RIGHT?!" he yelled at Sam's face, who just gulped and shakily sighed.

"He had an argument with Dream while he was stuck there. Not a argument, more a fight. Tommy..." he trailed off, "He never made it out of that fight."

M/n stared at Sam in disbelief.

"No." he said, "What kind of sick joke is this to you?"

"It's not a joke, M/n." Sam said with a dangerously calm voice, "On March 1st, 2021 at 10:21pm, Dream beat Tommy to death with a raw potato inside of his prison cell."

M/n kept staring at Sam as tears welled in his eyes.

"He's.. dead?" Awesamdude nodded, "I had to drag his corpse out of Dream's prison cell. He was covered in blood, and you could see on his face that he regretted it."

JSCHLATT IS DEAD. HE COULDNT HAVE GIVEN YOU THE BOOK IN HIS AFTERLIFE. Tommy yelled at Dream with all the power that was left in his body, blood streaming down his body from his ears, nose, eyes and open wounds all over his body.

YEAH? WHY DONT YOU GO SEE HIM IN PERSON. Dream yelled back, raising the raw potato in his hand. Tommy glanced down at his health bar. W-wait, no im on half a heart! Dream, dont-! But the man already used all willpower in his soul and started beating Tommy as hard as he could. N-no, please- Tommy croaked weakly. With a last smash to the skull, Tommy stayed on the ground with no movement of noises coming from his body. Dream beat down on him a few more times before he stopped himself, looking at Tommys still body before him.

T-Tommy? he asked, shaking his body in hopes of a response. N-No pretending, alright? Finish this fight like a man, you always say you are a big man. He rolled Tommys body over to face him, and was met by his lifeless face and dull eyes. His skull was cracked open on his forehead, blood gushing out of the wound. Dream jumped away in horror.

Tommy? he called again. No response. Tommy this isnt funny. he started shaking his body violently, Wake up! he yelled, WAKE UP, TOMMY!

We want you to help us organize the funeral, since youre with no doubt the person he was closest with. Sam said. M/n stumbled backwards, being met by Tubbos chest, who snaked his arms around M/ns torso and held him in support. My love is dead..? he tried to process the information he was just told.

What are the green bastards consequences? M/n demanded to know.

Hes been sentenced to death by the council. Sam informed him. Just stared back in response. He was going to get revenge. One day.

deffo flerting | TommyInnit & Tubbo x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now