˜"*°• 𝑇𝑤𝑜 •°*"˜

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"You'll go back first, got it?" Bokuto fixed up his shirt as Akaashi nodded, pulling up the collar of his own to hide the light purple bite marks Bokuto had left.

"Good, go." Bokuto held a small grin, giving Akaashi a small nudge as he headed down the hall, Bokuto could still see the light red mark on the back of Akaashi's neck. He always left his mark.

Akaashi paused in front of the doors to the caf, taking a deep breath and putting on a soft smile as he walked in. He walked over to his table, where Konoha and Anahori were having a small conversation.

"Hey- look who's back! Feelin' better?" Konoha looked up to Akaashi, who was taking his seat.

Akaashi looked back, holding his soft smile as he nodded. "Definitely. Sorry about before, I was just letting Bokuto get on my nerves is all."

Konoha and Anahori nodded as said white haired male walked through the caf doors, a bright prideful smile on his face as always. He walked over to his table, where Sarukui greeted him in his own special little way.

"AYO BITCH!" Saru screamed for the whole cafeteria to hear, making Bokuto, Washio, and Komi break out laughing as Bokuto took his seat.

"Since you had to announce it to the whole damn school, what Saru?" Bokuto gave him a look and rolled his eyes as the other laughed.

"Komi's throwing a party this weekend~ and we're all going whether you want to or not." Saru put on a proud smile, which was wiped away when Bokuto flicked him in the back of the head and the other two laughed.

"And I wouldn't want to, why? A party's a party, someone's gotta keep it alive, and who better than yours truly." Bokuto pointed at himself with a prideful look, the three with him playfully cheering him on a laughing.

In that brief moment, Bokuto glanced across the cafeteria and locked eyes with Akaashi, he knew he'd be looking. Such an idiot.

It was too easy, Bokuto wanted Akaashi to look at him, he wanted Akaashi's attention, I mean, if Akaashi's attention wasn't on Bokuto how could the white haired bug him every day? Since y'know, that's the complete and only reasoning Bokuto has for wanting Akaashi's attention.

Bokuto sent Akaashi a soft wink, making him go a light pink as he rolled his eyes, scoffing and looking back to Konoha. Bokuto chuckled to himself as he took his seat properly. He definitely needed more details on the party, he was gonna make it 10x more lively than it was already bound to be.

A party, Akaashi and Bokuto both knew that somehow Akaashi would end up there, whether he wanted to or not.




The bell rang, one of the most relieving feelings to almost all students, especially Akaashi. He hated school for some pretty obvious reasons, and only really found comfort in his home and his friends.

"School couldn't have been over with any longer, I feel like today dragged on way too much.." Akaashi sighed softly, putting his things in his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Ready to head out?"

Akaashi looked up to see Anahori standing at his desk, a small smile as usual. Akaashi nodded, and glanced around the room, only to see Konoha wasn't there.

"Where's Akinori?" Akaashi furrowed his brows, wondering how Konoha had always managed to skip away and out of sight.

"Waiting outside, apparently Sarukui wanted to talk to him and he said he'd wait for us outside." Anahori glanced out the window and back to Akaashi who simply nodded.

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑇𝑜 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠|𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝐴𝑘𝑎|Where stories live. Discover now