˜"*°• 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 •°*"˜

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Akaashi looked out to see the other male standing on his porch, he looked awfully embarrassed and a little nervous.

"Heyyy Akaashi- I uh-.. heh, funny story, I may have gotten a little lost.." Bokuto trailed off, chuckling nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Bokuto," Akaashi sighed softly as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him. "If you needed help getting here, you could've messaged me."

"Well, yeah I could've but," Bokuto paused. "I've kinda already bugged the hell out of you today, I didn't want to make it worse..?"

There was a small silence, one that was extremely nerve-racking to Bokuto as it looked that Akaashi was giving him a death glare, and well, he was. Not purposely though. Akaashi was.. thinking, this was all out of character for Bokuto, or, at least the Bokuto he knew.

"Hm, well even if that's true, next time, don't be afraid to message me." Akaashi nodded slightly and focused on Bokuto, who of which was staring at him a little dumbfounded. "Now, are we going or no?"

Bokuto snapped out of his small state of confusion and nodded, gesturing for Akaashi to follow as he started walking.

The two walked in silence at the beginning, an obvious tension between the two as this was way too out of character for the both of them, that couldn't be denied. And yet, Bokuto wanted to try and push that tension away, and what better of a way than to try and get on normal terms.

"You were, alone, when I picked you up?" Bokuto glanced over to Akaashi who held his hands close to himself, fiddling with them as he did so.

Akaashi looked over with a face that screamed 'excuse me?' and Bokuto knew he got the wrong idea, instantly making him shake his head with a nervous chuckle.

"No no no no no no no- not like that! I- it just didn't seem like anyone else was there, and well that's gotta be pretty lonely is all." Bokuto looked from Akaashi to the path in front of them as Akaashi's rather harsh expression softened.

"I guess it can be sometimes, but I'm not always alone." Akaashi kept his eyes on the path ahead as well, starting to think about how much time he really spent alone.

"I'm guessing your mom's normally at work..?" Bokuto questioned.

"Majority of the time yes, so I guess that means.." Akaashi made a small gesture, knowing Bokuto could figure it out himself. The other mouthed an 'o' and looked over to Akaashi, seeing that the other seemed to be a little brought down by the subject.

"Well.. hey, y'know what? Don't tell the guys but, my mom isn't always around either.. so, you're not alone 'Kaashi!" Bokuto smiled, sounding so proud about the statement, which caught Akaashi's attention.

"Really?" Akaashi had looked at Bokuto, genuinely hoping he was being serious and it wasn't just pity talking.

"Mhm! So hey," Bokuto paused, turning to Akaashi with an ever so sweet smile. "If you ever feel lonely, I hope you'll keep that as a reminder that you've always got someone to be lonely with!"

Bokuto pointed to himself with a bright smile, yet it wasn't the action that caused Akaashi's face to warm, it was Bokuto's words. Was he being serious?

"So.." Akaashi stopped for a moment, trying to piece together his wording as he hid the subtle blush on his face. "You're saying that if I ever feel lonely, you'll be there?"

Akaashi wasn't entirely buying it, however he couldn't help but think about just how honest it sounded.

"Mhm! And then we can be lonely together!" Bokuto held his bright smile as he looked right at Akaashi, who of which looked dumbfounded for a solid minute before smiling softly, something Bokuto's never seen.

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑇𝑜 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠|𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝐴𝑘𝑎|Where stories live. Discover now