~"*°• 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 •°*"~

671 11 11

After their night with the stars, Akaashi had gone back to Bokuto's place with him and decided on staying the night considering both teens really didn't want to leave each others side just yet.

Which would explain how both ended up in bed together, snuggled close once again as morning came.

Bokuto was the first to wake, and the first thing — well, person he laid eyes on was none other than his angel. Bokuto took a moment to appreciate having him so close, especially after being convinced for a month that they were going to fall apart.

"..hm.." Akaashi grumbled lightly, finally waking up and startling Bokuto a little.

"Morning Kou.." Akaashi mumbled softly, smiling as he looked to the other.

Bokuto brushed some of Akaashi's hair out of the way as he smiled at the dark-haired, making Akaashi feel warm at heart. "Morning Angel, did you sleep well?"

Akaashi nodded, going a light pink as he felt Bokuto plant a kiss on his forehead, a sweet little gesture.

"Did you?" Akaashi asked while snuggling back into the covers, something Bokuto found absolutely adorable.

"You were by my side, of course I did." Bokuto chuckled a little and that faint pink came back to Akaashi.

The dark-haired rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled softly as he finally decided on getting up, making Bokuto a little confused.

"'Kaashiiiiii.." Bokuto whined, wrapping his arms around Akaashi's waist before he could get out of bed, it made Akaashi smile.

"Come on Kou, it's almost noon, you have to eat something." Akaashi tried to slip out of Bokuto's hold, but it was no use.

"I'll let go, but only if you eat with me." Bokuto looked to Akaashi, who was thinking about it. "Pleaseee.."

"Alright, alright, I guess I will." Akaashi smiled softly as Bokuto finally let go of him, letting the dark-haired get up and out of bed.

Akaashi stood and paused for a second, he wasn't at home. Something he wasn't exactly used to.

"Shit.." Akaashi mumbled as he turned back to Bokuto, who was sat up in bed with a confused look.

"Something wrong?" Bokuto tilted his head a little as he got out of bed, walking over to Akaashi.

"I-.. could I borrow some clothes? Until I can get back home?" Akaashi was hesitant on asking, and Bokuto didn't entirely get why, he'd always agree.

"Mhm!" Bokuto nodded. "My dresser's over there, help yourself." Bokuto pointed to the dresser on the other side of his room before heading into his personal bathroom. Morning routines people.

Akaashi nodded, saying a 'thank you' before Bokuto walked off. Akaashi walked over and after a bit of looking, picked out a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. Just something comfortable.

Seeing as how Bokuto was taking his time, Akaashi just got changed there and folded his clothes up neatly. After doing so, he let Bokuto know he was headed downstairs to make some breakfast.

Akaashi left Bokuto be and walked downstairs, finding his way around pretty easily and making it to the kitchen. It was pleasing to eye, and to Akaashi's surprise, considering the kind of person Bokuto was, it was clean.

"Hm." Akaashi hummed to himself with a smile as he gathered everything he'd need for breakfast. Rice, eggs, chicken, peppers, butter, soy sauce, and salt.

Akaashi decided on Omurice for breakfast, he knew it was something both himself and Bokuto liked as Bokuto had mentioned getting excited anytime his mother made it.

𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑇𝑜 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠|𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝐴𝑘𝑎|Where stories live. Discover now