[ 20 ]

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a/n: I can't believe we're on the 20th chapter already. I feel like it was just yesterday when I came publishing the first chapter of this fanfic.

I love you all so much! And I thank you for all the support you've given me!




Kaylen's hands skimmed over the spines of books in the shelf, trying to find a title that catches her whole attention.

Then, her hand stopped in a specific book.

Romeo and Juliet.

She was sure she never heard about that before. Was it a muggle book?

Her question was answered when one of the shop's workers said creeping from behind her.

"Romeo and Juliet, ey? It's a good story. Got a really hard time taking that inside the shop. It's a muggle tales."

Kaylen jumped slightly at the voice out of nowhere. She whipped around and saw a specific female with chubby cheeks, and a disheveled hair tied in a bun.

"Oh, uh- is it a good book?" she asked curiously, after calming down.

The woman shrugged, "I quite like the story. It's very... meaningful."

And with that, she walked away through the door Kaylen reckons to be for employees.

She whipped back her attention to the book, and scoop it out the shelf. She ran her finger through the cover.

Kaylen found herself smiling, it looks quite interesting, I think I'll take it, she thought.

The blonde Slytherin put the book under her arm and turned her heels to pay for the book, yet she yelp when she saw a human being standing right before him.

Or a wizard, in other words.

"Hey, you were taking your time." Oliver grinned at her.

Kaylen scowled and push him out of the way.

"You just scared the living day light in me!" she exclaimed and the scot burst into laughter.

"Yeah, I saw that." he commented, and Kaylen rolled her eyes.

She went and pay for the book and they both got out the shop, as Kaylen tucked the Romeo and Juliet copy into the basket of her treats.

"The Three Broomsticks for the last call?" Oliver offered, grinning sheepishly.

Kaylen's eyes lit up and she let out a chuckle as she shrugged.

"yeah sure, why not?"

And with that they walked to the Three broomsticks. With Oliver gentlemanly opening the door for Kaylen.

"I can perfectly do that on my own you know.." she remarked as they both walk inside the warm and familiar cozy feeling inside the shop.

"I know, and I'm being a gentleman." Oliver proclaimed and she scoffed.

"Right. Two butterbeer please." Kaylen said, and Madam Rosmerta nodded before she can even asked.

"What? You didn't even asked me what I want yet?" Oliver gasp, fake offended as he pressed his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Not like you want Firewhiskey or anything." Kaylen remarked.

"Fair point." Oliver replied, latching away his hand from his chest

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